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- 14 November, 2023
- 9:30 a.m
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Mobility and Green Cities: Building the Sustainable Future
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Cristian Șelaru
National Institute
of Statistics
László Borbély
State Advisor, Coordinator of the
Department for Sustainable Development
László BORBÉLY - State Counselor, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development
László BORBÉLY is a politician who has significantly contributed to the democratic development of Romanian society, both as one of the most well-known leaders of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania and through the different high ranking functions held in the Romanian Parliament and the Romanian Government in the field of International Affairs, Environment and Sustainable Development, Regional Development and Infrastructure, which he has fulfilled with a rigorous professionalism yielding important results. An outstanding political performance underpinned with a solid – two-decade long – support for cultural life in the city of Tîrgu Mures, in an attempt to bring reconciliation to its multi-ethnic community.
◦ 2017 - present: State Counsellor of the Prime Minister of Romania on the topic of Sustainable Development
◦ 2014-2016 Vice president of the Steering Committee of the Romanian Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union
◦ 2015-2016 Vice president of the 12+ Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
◦ 2008-2009/ 2012-2016 Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament
◦ February – April 2012: Vice-president of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
◦ May 2011 – April 2012: Co-chair of the European Ministerial Board for Environment and Health
◦ November 2010 – April 2012: Member of the European Ministerial Board for Environment and Health
◦ May 2010 – May 2011: Chairman of CSD 19 (Commission of the United Nations on Sustainable Development)
◦ January 2010 - April 2012: Minister, Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests
◦ April 2007– December 2008: Minister, Romanian Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing
◦ December 2004 – April 2007: Minister-Delegate, Romanian Ministry of Transportation, Constructions and Tourism
◦ 1990-1996/ 2000-2016: Member of the Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies
◦ 1996–2000: State Secretary, Romanian Ministry of Public Works and Regional Planning.
• 2011: PhD title in economics awarded by the „Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca for the thesis „Regional development models in Romania and the European Union”
• 1983–1984: Post Graduate Studies – Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
• 1973–1977: Institute of Economic Sciences, University of Timișoara
Andrian Candu
Managing Partner
Andrian Candu
Corporate Advisory &
Public Affairs
- Over 20 years of experience in private corporations and public affairs, strategic management consulting
- Former Senior Manager of PwC Moldova
- Law degree and Master in International Tax Law
- Vast experience and expertise in Public Affairs by holding high public offices
Andrian Candu has experience and knowledge of developing businesses projects in different industries, understanding of the emerging markets in Eastern Europe. Communication and leadership, as well as passion for working with multi-national teams, have provided him with skills, which could be of benefit for any regional or international projects.
Andrian has received a law degree from University in Cluj (Romania) and master’s degree in International Tax Law from Vienna University of Business and Economics. In the last few years, he has been combining the knowledge of both, focusing on many areas of law and economics. Besides his native Romanian, he is fluent in English and Russian.
With over 20 years of experience in private corporations and public affairs, he has gained significant experience and faced different challenges.
His international experience began with Moldovan PwC team, providing business advisory services, corporate and individual tax planning, acquisitions and restructuring services to the clients. He has succeeded to set up the best team on the market and assisted clients in achieving the best performances on the Moldovan market.
After eight years in PwC, he received a proposal to lead the biggest group of companies in Moldova, with entities specialized in real estate, hospitality, finance-banking and media industries. Being empowered by the shareholders, as the CEO of the group, in a few months, he set up a management team; restructured the group on international level (developing the best tax corporate structure); brought in the corporate culture and standards; also developed new businesses in different industries.
One year later he has started the political career, gradually holding positions as Member of the Parliament, Deputy Prime-minister and Minister of Economy, and finally as Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament.
Being in politics, he has gotten better understanding of public affairs, strongly improved his communication and public appearance skills and built strong and trustful relationship with foreign political leaders, prominent businessmen and notorious think-tankers.
Lucian Azoiței
Founder and CEO
of Forty Management
Lucian Azoiței este unul dintre cei mai apreciați executivi din domeniul imobiliarelor din România, fondator și CEO al Forty Management. Cu peste 20 de ani de experiență în acest domeniul real estate, Lucian a contribuit semnificativ la dezvoltarea acestui sector, Forty fiind recunoscută drept una dintre cele mai inovatoare companii care a promovat standardele ESG în România: toate proiectele dezvoltate de Forty Management sub brandul Central District sunt sustenabile și eficiente energetic.
Forty Management este membru al Consiliului Român pentru Clădiri Verzi (RoGBC), o organizație care promovează responsabilitatea față de mediu și eficiența energetică. Toate ansamblurile dezvoltate de Forty Management sunt certificate "Green Homes" de către RoBGC, iar Central District Viitorului 134 este prima clădire din România ce îndeplinește standardul NzEB.
Valorificând know-how-ul și experiența în materie de sustenabilitate, Forty a demarat lucrările pentru cea mai mare reconversie urbană verde din România: Central District Lagoon City, ce implică o investiție de peste 120 milioane de euro. Proiectul va implementa pentru prima dată în Europa Centrală și de Est o lagună artificială de mari dimensiuni, de peste 10.000 mp, alături de peste 5.000 mp de plaje cu nisip alb, ce practic aduce marea în oraș. Lagoon City înseamnă și hotelul de lux Radisson Lagoon, dar și 401 apartamente pentru închiriat, spații comerciale și de birouri, restaurante și nenumărate facilități. Central District Lagoon City va fi primul proiect mixt de reconversie urbană ce-și va produce toate utilitățile in-house și va fi scalat și la Budapesta, Varșovia și Praga. De asemenea, Forty a încheiat acorduri recente cu Crystal Lagoons pentru dezvoltarea unor lagune cu acces public (PAL) la Roma, Sevilla, Milano și Toulouse în următorii ani.
În plus, Forty Management va continua să valorifice potențialul pieței hoteliere de lux din București, prin aducerea brandului Ascott în România. În baza acordului cu grupul The Ascott Limited - unul dintre cei mai importanți proprietari și operatori de ospitalitate din lume, cu o prezență în peste 260 de orașe din peste 30 de țări - hotelul din București va fi operat la standardele brandului de lux The Crest Collection.
Licențiat în Drept și absolvent al unui MBA, Lucian Azoiței este pasionat de baschet și de călătorii, de interacțiunea cu oameni și culturi noi, care îl inspiră pentru a crește calitatea locuirii în proiectele imobiliare. Lucian este implicat în Fundația Azoiței pentru Sprijinirea Tinerilor Muzicieni Români, alături de fratele său, celebrul violonist Remus Azoiței.
With over 20 years of experience in real estate, Lucian Azoiței, founder and CEO of Forty Management, is one of the most respected executives in Romania. An active player in real estate, Lucian has contributed significantly to the growth of this sector, with Forty Management recognized by the business community as one of the most innovative companies that initiated and promoted the ESG standards in Romania. Sustainability and energy efficiency are at the heart of the company’s developments, all the buildings under the Central District brand having superior certifications in this respect.
Forty Management is a member of the Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC), an organization that promotes environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. All Central District’s residential developments are certified "Green Homes" by RoBGC, with Central District Viitorului 134 certified as NzEB.
Leveraging its know-how in terms of sustainability and experience in innovative real estate development, Forty Management has begun the works for its next major scale-up green urban reconversion: Central District Lagoon City, which involves an investment of over 120 million EUR. The project will implement for the first time in Central and Eastern Europe a large artificial lagoon of over 10.000 sqm and 5.000 sqm of white sandy beaches, which practically brings the sea into the city. Lagoon City will also include the upscale resort hotel Radisson Lagoon Hotel, as well as 401 apartments for rent, commercial and residential areas, restaurants and other amenities. Lagoon City will be the first large-scale mixed-use development to meet the self-sustainability standard and a scalable project to be developed as well in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague – in addition to Rome, Seville, Milan and Toulouse, following more recent agreements with Crystal Lagoons for developing Public Access Lagoons (PAL) in these cities over the next years.
Moreover, Forty Management will continue to capitalize on the potential of the luxury hotel market in Bucharest by bringing for the first time in Roamania the Ascott hotel brand. Based on the agreement with The Ascott Limited group - one of the world's leading hospitality owners and operators with a presence in over 260 cities in more than 30 countries - the hotel in Bucharest will be operated to the standards of luxury brand The Crest Collection.
With a law degree and an MBA, Lucian Azoiței is passionate about basketball and travel, interacting with new people and cultures, which inspire him to increase the quality of life in the real estate projects he designs. Lucian also manages the activity of the Azoitei Foundation for Young Romanian Musicians, together with his brother, the famous Romanian violinist Remus Azoitei.
Cristian Macedonschi
President of the
Romanian Electric
Mobility Association
Representative of the
German Electric Mobility
Carmen Aurelia Romaniuc
Deputy Director -
Directorate of Agriculture
and Environment Statistics,
National Institute
of Statistics
Carmen Romaniuc, director adjunct la Direcția de Statistici Agricole și de Mediu, Institutul Național de Statistică
Coordonează activități privind statistica și conturile forestiere, statistica și conturile de mediu și dezvoltarea durabilă.
Coordonator de proiect, partener 1, INS: SIPOCA 613 - „România durabilă – Dezvoltarea cadrului strategic și instituțional pentru implementarea SNDS 2030"
Adrian Goicea
Goicea Consulting