With the support of
Under the Patronage of
- 14 November, 2023
- 14:30
Innovation and Digitization in Industry: The Engine of Sustainable Development
- Chamber of Deputies, the meeting room of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, with the support of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies
Silvia Vlăsceanu
Executive Director
Executive Director – Electricity Producers Association -HENRO
Silvia Vlăsceanu is a graduate of Power Engineering Faculty of Bucharest Polytechnic University and of the Faculty of Commerce from the Academy of Economic Studies. She also holds a PhD degree in the field of power engineering, conferred by the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 2012.
The professional path includes, among others: junior engineer at a company in the energy sector, expert at Investment Directorate of Chamber of Deputies, competition inspector at the Competition Council, Parliamentary counselor at the Committee for Industries and Services of Chamber of Deputies, general director of the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies - ACUE (2008 - 2021) and executive director of HENRO – Association of Electricity Producers, starting September 2021.
She continuously improved her expertise by following post-graduate professional training and by being an active participant at various conferences, workshops and seminars at national and international level.
Mrs. Vlăsceanu has been since more than 13 years a member of Advisory Board of Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), member of the Economic and Social Council of Romania, and she was also vice-president of Employers Confederation CONCORDIA.
In parallel, she has also teaching experience, for the last few years has taught at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, and has also collaborated with various authorities, organizations, research institutes (ICPE, Romanian Academy, UNDP, Romanian Committee of WEC etc.) in conducting studies, assessments and reports related to energy sector and the impact concerning the economic sector.
Contact details:
E-mail: silvia.vlasceanu@acue.ro
Phone: 0040 722 769469
Iuliu Winkler
Member of the European Parliament
Iuliu WINKLER is Member of the European Parliament. He is Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade (INTA) and Standing Rapporteur for China in INTA. He is Member of the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China, and Substitute Member for the Committee on Culture and Education, the Special Committee on Foreign Interference and the Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand. Iuliu Winkler is member of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania and an MEP of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.
He was Minister Delegate for Trade and Minister of Communications and Information Technology, having previously been Member of the Romanian Parliament, where he served as secretary of the Budget, Finance and Banking Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. He is an economist and engineer.
Sandor Bende
Chair of the Committee for Industries and Services of the
Chamber of Deputies
Anca Dana
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Cults and Minorities
Lóránt Antal
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Energy, Energy
Infrastructure and
Mineral Resources
Florin Marian Spătaru
State Counselor,
Chancellery of
the Prime Minister
of Romania
Teodora Preoteasa
Secretary of State,
Ministry of Invetments
and European Projects
Lucian Ioan Rus
State Secretary
in the Ministry of
and Tourism
Constantin Vasilescu
Executive President
of the General Union
of Industrialists
of Romania
UGIR - 1903
Ștefan Vuza,
Chairman Chimcomplex
President –
General Director
Rodica Vasin
Member of the
Executive Board
Apulum SA
Adrian Negrescu
Vasile Cârstea
General Manager
DEPOGAZ Ploiești
Alexandra Sabotnicu-Șerban
Development Manager
Exact Systems
Business Development Manager – Exact Systems Romania
Alexandra Sabotnicu-Șerban is an exceptional woman with outstanding management skills.
She commenced her career during her second year of university, and by the time she completed her studies, she had already achieved a management position.
With over 12 years of management experience, Alexandra has successfully led both commercial and technical teams. She actively contributed to building a service provider business from the ground up to ultimately achieving a remarkable €2.8 million in annual turnover. During this journey, she played a pivotal role in shaping company policies, procedures, organizational structure, and operational management.
Currently, she works as Business Development Manager at Exact Systems Romania, where she is instrumental in driving the company's growth. Her responsibilities include spearheading new marketing and development strategies, expanding the company's market presence, attracting new customers, and forging partnerships with OEMs and suppliers in the automotive industry.
Alexandra is a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Management at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and the Faculty of Geography at the University of Bucharest, earning her degrees in 2010 and 2013. She holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, which she obtained in 2013, and an IANLP Master NLP Diploma, awarded in 2022.
Alexandra is known for her dedication, problem-solving skills, and a keen ability to drive business success through strategic planning and execution.
Contact details:
E-mail: alexandra.serban@exactsystems.com
Phone: +40 0748 022 272
Business Development Manager - Exact Systems România
Alexandra Sabotnicu-Șerban se distinge ca o femeie remarcabilă, cu abilități manageriale deosebite.
Și-a început cariera în timpul celui de-al doilea an de facultate, ajjungând pe o poziție de manager încă de la terminarea studiilor.
Cu peste 12 ani de experiență în management, Alexandra a condus cu succes atât echipe din departamentul comercial cât și tehnic. De-a lungul acestor ani, ea a contribuit semnificativ la construirea unei afaceri din domeniul serviciilor, pornind de la zero și ajungând la o cifră anuală de afaceri de 2,8 milioane de euro. Poziția sa a presupus modelarea politicilor companiei, dezvoltarea procedurilor, definirea structurii organizaționale și gestionarea eficientă a operațiunilor.
În prezent, ea lucrează ca Business Development Manager la Exact Systems România, unde are un rol esențial în dezvoltarea companiei. Printre responsabilitățile sale se numără realizarea de noi strategii de marketing și dezvoltare, extinderea prezenței companiei pe piață, atragerea de noi clienți și crearea de parteneriate cu OEM și furnizori din industria auto.
Alexandra este absolventă a Facultății de Management Economic din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice din București și a Facultății de Geografie din cadrul Universității din București, obținând diplomele în 2010 și 2013. Ea deține un master în Administrarea Afacerilor la Academia de Studii Economice din București, obținut în 2013 și o diplomă IANLP Master NLP, obținută în 2022.
Alexandra este recunoscută pentru devotamentul său, capacitatea sa de rezolvare a problemelor și pentru abilitatea de a ghida afacerea spre succes prin planificare și execuție strategică.
Date de contact:
E-mail: alexandra.serban@exactsystems.com
Telefon: +40 0748 022 272
Petru Ianc
Member of the
Technical Scienses
Academy of Romania
Călin Vilt
Scientific Advisor