Bucharest Leaders’ Summit:
The Highway to Success
Speakers 23 November

With the support of

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Statul Major General
Stema Statului Major al Fortelor Aeriene
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Stema Statului Major al Fortelor Terestre scaled

Environment and climate changes

Climate Change and Adaptation: Actions for a Sustainable Future


Mihaela Frasineanu 1

Mihaela Frăsineanu
State Counsellor,
Chancellery of the
Prime Minister
of Romania

laszlo borbely e1660897587374

László Borbély
State Advisor, Coordinator of the
Department for Sustainable Development

Dinica Silvia Monica e1661761875552

Silvia-Monica Dinica
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Science, Innovation and Technology

mehdi heydari

Mehdi Heydari
Bureau Veritas
Commissioning Manager

Mathieu gregori 2 e1700729027323

Mathieu Gregori
Managing Partner

Florina Savu

Florina Savu
Head of service
within the Environmental
and Sustainable Development
Statistics Service,
Directorate of Agricultural and
Environmental Statistics,
National Institute of Statistics.

diana culescu

Diana Culescu
Romanian Landscape

ionut purica

Prof. eng.
Ionuț Purica
Member at
Prime Minister's
Advisory Council for
Sustainable Development

Laurentiu Ciornei 1

Laurențiu Ciornei
Center of Biodiversity
Romanian Academy

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