* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Elvira Gheorghiţă
Nelu Tătaru
President of the
Committee for
Health and Family of
The Chamber of
Doctor Nelu TĂTARU is a Romanian surgeon and politician, member of the National Liberal Party.
He was born in Vaslui, on 1972 September 30th and studied Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" in Iasi.
In the 2012-2016 legislature he was elected senator and in the 2020-2024 legislature he was elected deputy.
He held in the Cabinet of Ludovic ORBAN (2019 - 2020) the positions of Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Health.
Currently, Doctor Nelu TĂTARU is the Chairman of the Committee for Health and Family in the Chamber of Deputies.
2011: Doctor in Medical Sciences, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași;
2009: Specialization in digestive endoscopy, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi;
2007: National School of Public Health and Sanitary Management;
2006: General surgery, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iași;
2004 - Course "Management of Public Institutions", "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi;
1998 - Faculty of General Medicine, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi.
2009 - 2010: Manager, Huşi Municipal Hospital;
2007 - 2009: Medical Manager, Huşi Municipal Hospital;
2006 - 2012: Surgeon, Huşi Municipal Hospital;
2000 - 2006: Resident doctor, Iași Emergency Clinical Hospital;
1998 - 2000: Trainee doctor, Vaslui County Hospital;
1991 - 1992: Assistant, Vaslui County Hospital.
21.12.2020 - present: Deputy elected in the constituency no. 39 Vaslui;
26.03.2020 - 23.12.2020: Minister of Health;
11.12.2019 - 26.03.2020: Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health;
2017 - present: President of the PNL Vaslui organization;
19.12.2012 - 19.12.2016: Senator elected in the constituency no. 39 Vaslui;
2011 - 2012: President of the PNL Huși organization;
2012: Local councilor in the Huși Local Council.
Şerban Bubenek
MD, PhD.
Societatea Româna de Anestezie şi Terapie-Intensivă
Dorel Săndesc
MD, PhD.
Expert Commission
Romanian Ministry of
Ioanel Sinescu
Daniel Coriu
MD, PhD.
President of the
Romanian College of
Assoc. Prof.
Carmen Orban,
General Manager
Monza Hospitals
Anca Coliţă
MD, PhD.
Manager of the
Clinical Institute
Assoc. Prof.
Simin Florescu
Clinical Hospital of
Infectious and
Tropical Diseases
“Dr. Victor Babeş”
Beatrice Mahler
Manager of the
Pneumology Institute
“Marius Nasta”
Emilian Imbri
Health Policy
Manager of the
„Prof. Dr. Eduard
Apetrei” Hospital -
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Vladimir Iulian
National Institute of
Dan Halchin
Penitentiary Police
Managing Director
Administration of
Axel Nicolae
Police Chief
Director of the
National Agency
Against Human
Trafficking in Persons
Maximilian NICOLAE – Director of the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons
Mr. Maximilian NICOLAE was appointed in April 2017 as Director of the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons within the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Romania. The Agency evaluates and monitors the activities carried out in the fight against trafficking in persons, fulfilling the role of National Rapporteur, as set out in the Directive 2001/36 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims.
Mr. NICOLAE graduated from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, with a Bachelor degree in law and, for over a decade, he had management positions within the Romanian Police (Deputy Director of the Institute for Crime Research and Prevention) and National Antidrug Agency (Head of the National Antidrug Agency). He served in the European Union Police Mission in Bosnia- Herzegovina as Project officer/Programme Manager from April 2003 to April 2005 and as Deputy Chief of Strategic Advisory Unit from May 2010 to December 2011. Also, from 2005 to 2009 was the National Representative of Romania to the European Union Crime Prevention Network.
In his capacities, he was involved in several researches, studies and reports in the field of Human Rights, Drugs and Trafficking in Persons. At the same time, he coordinated the development and implementation, at national level, of numerous prevention projects and raising awareness campaigns.
Constantin-Alexandru Manda
Member of the Council of Europe’s Advisory Council on Youth
Constantin-Alexandru Manda (21 years) is a Romanian activist for educational justice. Founding member and former president (2015-2018) of the first school students' association in Romania, Alexandru has 8 years of experience as an activist for free access to quality education for every child. At present, Alexandru Manda is programs coordinator at Romanian Academic Society, being the national manager of the Clean Schools project - an initiative for good governance in education at the local level. During the pandemic, he coordinated a comprehensive study on the respect of the fundamental school students' right to scholarships by all the 3182 local authorities in Romania. Also, Alexandru is involved in the subject of sustainable development as a member of the Simply Green Association. For his entire activity, in March 2021 Alexandru Manda has received the award Young European of the Year 2021 from the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe and Young European Forum.
Valentin M.
Prefab SA
Gabriel Diaconu
Adriana Mureşan
Founding Member
“Voluntari în Europa”
Civic Association
General (Ret)
Marian Tutilescu
Associate Expert
New Strategy
Grațiela Văduva,
Crime prevention
Alexandra Dobre
General Director at Bucharest Senior Citizen Center
Alexandra DOBRE holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Bucharest, an MBA in Business Administration from the UNESCO Chair, and currently is a second-year Ph.D. student at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, with the Ph.D. thesis topic “Smart ecosystems, with applications in social policies”. She has also completed a course in International Law at the International Business Management Institute in Berlin and in Business Administration at the Cambridge Business Academy, being accredited as a trainer, DPO trainer and Cultural Manager.
Between 2016 and 2018, she was General Director at The European Cultural Centre for UNESCO “Nicolae Bălcescu” – District 4 City Hall, and beginning with 2018 she is the General Director at the Bucharest Senior Citizen Centre – Bucharest City Hall. She is also the President of the Institute for Active Aging. Her main focus over the past few years is to emphasize the importance of the applicability of the “active aging” concept in Romania, by promoting adequate responses to the growing number of individuals reaching advanced ages, recognizing their specific dependability on health-related aspects, social interactions, and on services attendance.
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Gabriel Micu,
Director of the
Hellenic Romanian
Bilateral Chamber of
Ms. Anamaria Diaconescu is the Director of the Hellenic Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce since 2017. Previous to this position, she was a banker by profession for more than 15 years, working for reputable banking institutions in Greece and Romania.
Ms. Diaconescu has graduated the Executive MBA from University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in 2005 and International Law and Economic Relations from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece in 2000.
In her current job, she works close with the Embassy of Greece to Romania for promoting Greece and the interests of the Greek community in Romania.
Marina Coandă
Director of the
Romania - Portugal
Bilateral Chamber
of Commerce
Univ. Prof.
Bucharest University
of Economic Studies
Department of
Business and
Gabriel Micu,
Vladimir Iulian
National Institute of
Emanuel Cernat,
Managing Partner
Corporate Affairs Strategies
Emanuel Cernat este Managing Partner și unul dintre fondatorii companiei Corporate Affairs Strategies. Anterior, Emanuel a lucrat în cadrul companiei americane McGuireWoods, companie de consultanță de renume, activă pe piața din Romania până la sfârșitul anului 2019, unde a coordonat departamentele de servicii financiare și comerț internațional, fiind activ implicat și în sprijinirea clienților companiei în varii sectoare cheie.
Înainte de a activa în domeniului consultanței, Emanuel a fost diplomat de carieră, dobândind de-a lungul anilor o remarcabilă experiență în sectorul public, în calitate de consilier personal pentru mai mulți miniștri ai Afacerilor Externe, precum și Consilier Diplomatic al mai multor miniștri gestionând portofolii precum dezvoltarea regională, mediul de afaceri și turismul. De-a lungul carierei sale diplomatice, a fost implicat în multiple proiecte de mare anvergură, a sprijinit demararea şi dezvoltarea unor investiții străine cheie, a facut parte din numeroase misiuni comerciale, lucrând îndeaproape cu toate instituțiile administrației publice centrale, misiunile diplomatice ale României în străinătate și ambasadele acreditate în România.
La începutul carierei sale, Emanuel a avut șansa de a-și începe cariera în cadrul Ministerului Integrării Europene, de unde a plecat pentru a coordona un ambițios proiect educațional derulat de către United Nations Development Programme în România.
Expertiza sa în domeniul comunicării strategice este completată de către backgroundul sau academic, având un doctorat în domeniul comunicării audio-vizuale obținut în anul 2012.
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Vladimir Iulian
National Institute of
President –
General Director
Romanian Space
( ROSA )
Dr. Phys.
Mihai Varlam
Managing Director
Chairman of the
ICSI Rm. Vâlcea
Lucia Pintilie,
Senior researcher,
Head of Department
Bioactive Substances
Synthesis and
Filip Cârlea
Romanian Academy
Filip Cârlea works as a senior researcher at the Centre for Renewables Energy Promotion and Energy Efficiency from National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy. Filip Cârlea is graduated with a BA from Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University, with a specialization in electric engineering and afterwards obtained a degree in Leadership Management at the Academy of Economics Studies and he received his postdoctoral school at National Institute for Economics Research from Romanian Academy. He is associate professor at the Oil and Gas University from Ploiesti. He was selected by Romanian ministry of energy to represent the Romania as the advisory subject matter expert on alternative, which is essential to the Romanian renewable energy development. F. Cârlea worked as program officer for the national energy strategy. He also has experience in appraisal in compliance with the international standards. Filip Cârlea sustains the priorities of the Romanian energy sector in Romania being actively involved in organizations dedicated to Romanian energy sector issues, such as Romanian National Committee of World Energy Council; he is civil expert of NATO for energy security and renewable energy field and expert approved by the Committee of the Regions from European Union.
Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Dénes Csala,
Lancaster University
Dénes is a researcher and thinker interested in exploring the language of data: visualization 🌟 He holds an Assistant Professorship at Lancaster University in the UK and a Visiting Assistant Professorship at Babeș-Bolyai University in Romania. He is the data visualization lead for the Romanian Economic Monitor in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and the Economics Observatory in Bristol, UK. His data analyses and visualizations balance on the fine line between work and hobby and he has led educational workshops on visualization, sustainability and renewable energy across developing regions in Asia and Africa. He is actively involved in mentoring youth, trying to inspire the next generation of systems thinkers.
Center of Biodiversity
Romanian Academy
Laurenţiu CIORNEI is a researcher at the Romanian Academy, being co-opted in the team of the Biodiversity Center, in September 2018. He is the president of the Alliance for the Forest, an association made up of researchers, scientists, doctors in various disciplines, teachers, various specialists and professionals. PhD in economics, degree in law, journalism and forestry, graduate of postgraduate studies in leadership and human resources management, respectively environmental management and sustainable development. Before entering the research, Laurenţiu Ciornei worked, for 25 years, in the media, being an expert in communication.
Laurenţiu Ciornei is the author and co-author of several specialty books. Through the Alliance for the Forest Association, he is dedicated in achieving the goals of sustainable development of forest ecosystems, circular economy, protection of biodiversity, early education and improving the environment quality. He wants to contribute to the awareness of the forests importance in Romanian society and the role of forests and forest science, in general, in the superior use of ecosystem services specific to the forestry sector, maintaining and improving the state of forest ecosystems and their capacity, in the context of rural areas, affected by the limitation of opportunities, for the construction of a sustainable society, based on a scientific narrative, which addresses in particular the media, decision-makers and young people, to educate them.
Ioan Iordache,
Executive Director of
the Romanian
Association for
Hydrogen Energy
Ioan Iordache graduated from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection in 2000. He completed his master's degree in Environmental Management in 2001 and a PhD in Chemistry in 2007 at the same university. Mr. Iordache also completed a second PhD in the field of Industrial Engineering at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest in 2015.
During his doctoral studies, he had two Marie Curie Training Fellowships at the University of Oslo and the University of Bordeaux I. He was selected as Romania's delegate to the Group of Representatives of the Joint Undertaking Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH JU) in 2010 and was elected Vice-Chair of this group in 2015.
Dr. Iordache is the Director of the Technology Transfer Department of the National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm. Vâlcea. His qualification and experience have focused on hydrogen technologies and environmental protection. He has solid experience in the field of sustainable development, including both R&D and industry.
Dr. Iordache is the author and co-author of 54 research papers and 5 specialist books. His scientific contribution also includes the participation in 124 conferences and 20 national and international research and development projects. He is a member of scientific committees and a member of several professional, scientific and technical associations.
Dr. Iordache is the Executive Director of the Romanian Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Bogdan Panait
Ileana Rău
Head of Doctoral School of Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnologies, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Ileana Rău graduated in 1994 from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania. She has obtained her PhD degree in 2002 at the same university. She has spent several years as PostDoc, first at French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Laboratory in Saclay and then at Angers University, where she received the Habilitation Degree (Dr.Sc.) in Physics in 2007. In 2013 she received another Habilitation Degree in Chemical Engineering. She was invited Professor at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France in 2010 and 2018, at Yonsei University, South Korea in 2016 and University Aix-Marseille, France in 2018. Currently (since 2014) Ileana Rău is Professor at Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University POLTEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania and since 2020 she is Director of Doctoral School “Applied Chemistry and Materials Science” from IOSUD - UPB
Ileana Rău research profile is based on two complementary fields: environmental science and engineering, and biomaterials with different applications. Therefore her scientific activity is focused on synthesis of materials based on natural compounds (biopolymers, natural extracts) with different biological activities and properties. Ileana Rău has made significant contributions to the development of optical materials science and to understanding of linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic and biomaterials as well as their applications in photonics and biophotonics. She made also important contribution in popularizing nonlinear optics and materials science through organization of international conferences, workshops and editorial services. In the last years she was also focussed on synthesis of bio-based materials with medical applications as well as on the chitosan recovery from different waste and its use in different applications.
Between 2014 – 2020 Prof. Ileana Rău served as topical editor of Optical Society of America (OSA) for Applied Optics journal and since 2020 for the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. She is board member of Nonlinear Optics & Quantum Optics as well as Display & Imaging journals. She is serving as evaluator expert to EU projects, national projects and reviewer for several ISI journals.
As recognition of her entire scientific activity and international visibility, since 2016 she became member of CNATDCU (National Committee for attestation of titles, diplomas and academia certificates) – Chemical Engineering branch, and more recently of FWO (Research Foundation – Flanders), Belgium, (Materials Science Committee). Due to her expertise Prof. Ileana Rău was also involved in several PhD thesis juries abroad acting as President or Rapporteur (Italy, France and Morocco) Ileana Rau is Fellow of SPIE, member of SPIE Women in Optics circle, and Laureat of European Descartes Award, 2007 (member of French team). Her scientific records count more 200 published papers, cited more than 2100 times, hindex = 22.
Florin Pop
Head of the Doctoral School of Automation and Computers, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Florin Pop (Professor, PhD. Habil.) received his PhD in Computer Science at the University Politehnica of Bucharest in 2008 with “Magna cum laude” distinction. His main research interests are in the field of large scale distributed systems concerning scheduling and resource management (decentralized techniques, re-scheduling), adaptive methods, multi-criteria optimization methods, Grid middleware tools (EGEE, SEE-GRID) and applications development (satellite image processing an environmental data analysis), prediction methods, self-organizing systems (SORMSYS), data retrieval and ranking techniques, contextualized services in distributed systems, evaluation using modeling and simulation (MTS2).
Florin Pop was awarded with two Prizes for Excellence from IBM and Oracle, five Best Paper Award (in 2018, 2015, 2013, 2012, and 2010) one IBM Faculty Award. He is involved in many national projects and international research projects (10+ as project leader). He is active reviewer for several Journals (TPDS, FGCS, ASOC, Soft Computing, Information Sciences, etc.) and he act as Guest Editor for several special issues in FGCS and Soft Computing. The results were published in 8 books, more than 20 chapters in edited books, more than 50 articles in major international peer-reviewed journal (15 as main author), over 100 articles in well-established international conferences and workshops.
Florin Pop is an active and important member of Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSLab) in Computer Science Department. He established and maintains important collaborations with several institutes from EU and around the world: INRIA Rennes (KerData team), VU Amsterdam (The Nederland), University Marie and Pierre Curie Paris 6 (France). He is a senior researcher at National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, Romania