* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Ovidiu Sincai
European School
Maria-Manuela Catrina has a background in mathematics, computer science, cybernetics, as well as training in security and international relations.
In the early 2000s, Ms Catrina had the first opportunity to join the high levels of government as advisor for the Romanian Prime Minister, after which she continued as parliamentary advisor for Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Speaker.
Ms Catrina has joined the executive branch as Secretary of State at the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Informational Society between 2017 and 2019. Here, she has dedicated her time to steering the complex preparations for Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Jan-Jun 2019). Her mandate includes broader aspects of international relations and European affairs, as well as more specialized areas, such as cybersecurity, AI and satellite communications. In addition to handling the numerous European legislative files stemming from EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe and representing Romania at the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, she also coordinated a number of high level national groups tasked with ensuring the security and resilience of Romania’s IT and telecommunications infrastructure.
Ms Catrina who was nominated among top 50 Women of Influence in Cyber-security in Europe is passionate about digital transformation and promoting women in technology.
Since 2013, Ms Catrina is the Director the Ovidiu Sincai European School, the Social Democratic Institute’s key leadership project, under the aegis of the Council of Europe.
Cristin Nicolae
Monitoring and
Executive Division
Cristin Nicolae POPA
Cristin POPA has been Executive Director of ANCOM’s Monitoring and Control Executive Division of for more than 13 years. In this position, he oversees the monitoring of the radio spectrum with non-governmental use, as well as the verification of the compliance by the electronic communications and postal services providers in Romania with the obligations imposed on them. Furthermore, he supervises the nationwide monitoring and control activities which are conducted by means of the regional divisions and local offices of ANCOM.
Two of the most popular instruments of ANCOM targeted at the general public were developed under Mr. Popa’s coordination: – the interactive map of mobile signal coverage across Romania and – the map of real-time measurements of the electromagnetic field in Romania.
Graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and holder of a public management master from the Academy of Economic Studies, Cristin Popa has 18 years of professional experience in the Romanian electronic communications sector.
Cristin Nicolae POPA
Cristin Nicolae POPA conduce, în calitate de director executiv, Direcția Executivă Monitorizare și Control din cadrul ANCOM de peste 13 ani. În această calitate supraveghează activitatea de monitorizare a spectrului radio cu utilizare neguvernamentală, precum și activitatea de verificare a respectării obligațiilor impuse furnizorilor de servicii și de rețele de comunicații electronice și de servicii poștale din România. De asemenea, coordonează activitatea de monitorizare și control la nivel național, desfășurată de Direcțiile Regionale și de oficiile județene ale Autorității.
Două dintre cele mai populare instrumente ale ANCOM adresate publicului larg au fost dezvoltate sub coordonarea lui Cristin Nicolae POPA: – harta interactivă de acoperire cu semnal mobil a localităților, drumurilor naționale și județene din România și – harta măsurătorilor în timp real a câmpului electromagnetic din România.
Cristin Nicolae POPA este absolvent al Facultăţii de Electronică și Telecomunicații din cadrul Universității Politehnica București și al unui master de Public Management din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice, având o experienţă de 18 de ani în sectorul comunicaţiilor electronice din România.
Ciprian Teleman
Minister of
Innovation and
December 2020 -
September 2021
C.-L. Preda
General Manager
Chief Executive Officer @ INSPET SA
Ciprian E. Păltineanu currently serves as the CEO & Chairman of the Board of INSPET SA, the leading Romanian general contractor for energy infrastructure (main pipelines and complex installations in oil & gas), a 30-year old company that is contributing to EU’s climate neutrality objectives.
Manager, finance professional and investor with 20+ years of experience in energy, advisory, corporate & investment banking, investment management and private equity in Romania, Austria, the CEE, Great Britain and the United States, Ciprian focuses on supporting the innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem, making principal investments in high potential companies in both the old and the new economy.
Ciprian Păltineanu is non-executive director or advisor of several Romanian and British companies, member in the Board of Directors of CCIPH (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Prahova), member of the Board of Directors of RoFin.Tech (Romanian FinTech Association), as well as a member of ASPES (Association for Socio-Economic Studies) and TechAngels Romania (Association of Romanian Business Angels).
A graduate of UniFuture program at IMD in Lausanne, Ciprian has an MBA from Tulane University in New Orleans and a BA in International Business from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
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Daniel Pintilie
Founder & CEO
WATTO Stations
Ovidiu Sincai
European School
Maria-Manuela Catrina has a background in mathematics, computer science, cybernetics, as well as training in security and international relations.
In the early 2000s, Ms Catrina had the first opportunity to join the high levels of government as advisor for the Romanian Prime Minister, after which she continued as parliamentary advisor for Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Speaker.
Ms Catrina has joined the executive branch as Secretary of State at the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Informational Society between 2017 and 2019. Here, she has dedicated her time to steering the complex preparations for Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Jan-Jun 2019). Her mandate includes broader aspects of international relations and European affairs, as well as more specialized areas, such as cybersecurity, AI and satellite communications. In addition to handling the numerous European legislative files stemming from EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe and representing Romania at the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, she also coordinated a number of high level national groups tasked with ensuring the security and resilience of Romania’s IT and telecommunications infrastructure.
Ms Catrina who was nominated among top 50 Women of Influence in Cyber-security in Europe is passionate about digital transformation and promoting women in technology.
Since 2013, Ms Catrina is the Director the Ovidiu Sincai European School, the Social Democratic Institute’s key leadership project, under the aegis of the Council of Europe.
Yugo Neumorni
Chairman of the
European CIO
Mr. Yugo Neumorni, CISA, EMBA is the Chairman of the European CIO Association, EuroCIO, President and co-founding member of CIO Council Romania, the Association of IT Directors in Romania, and former President of ISACA Romania.
He is member of the Advisory Board of Forum International of Cybersecurity, the leading European event on Cybersecurity, organized by French Gendarmerie. He is Board member and CIO and of Cargus, second-biggest player in the Romanian courier market. Previously he was the CIO for Hidroelectrica, Vimetco and Deloitte. With more than 28 years of experience in the IT industry, Yugo Neumorni is specialized in complex digital transformation process of the companies, IT systems redesign, IT processes restructuring and reengineering, cybersecurity, ERP projects, SCADA and industrial control systems, IT governance and COBIT framework. Neumorni graduated the Faculty of Automation in Bucharest and the Asebuss - Kennesaw State University EMBA program in 2009. He is CISA certified since 2001. He is speaker in IT international events.
Bogdan Panait
Bogdan Florea
Head of Department of Applied Electronics and Information Engineering, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Bogdan Cristian Florea has PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and is associate professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University Politehnica of Bucharest, with over 10 years of experience in higher education. He is currently the director of the Department of Applied Electronics and Information Engineering. His research activity is focused in the field of blockchain technologies, internet of things, intelligent technologies and automation, having so far over 20 scientific publications in the volumes of international scientific conferences and journals.
Mirona Popescu
Lecturer at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Mirona Ana Maria Popescu is a Lecturer at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Business Management. The bachelor’s and master’s degree was received from the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and the PhD is in the field of Industrial Engineering from Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Business Management. During her PhD studies she had a close connection with IT companies offering her expertise as a system administrator and later as a consultant. Her expertise and main interest fields are based on computer science, processing of business data, electronic business, integrated information systems for business, management, and digital marketing. To sustain her scientific and academic research, numerous articles were published in prestigious journals Q1/Q2 and presented at international conferences in her expertise field.
She is a member of Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia, and a member of the editorial staff of a national scientific journal indexed in BDI.
Mihai Sebe
Coordinator of the European Studies at the European Institute of Romania
Mihai SEBE, PhD in Political Sciences, is an expert in European affairs currently coordinating the European Studies at the European Institute of Romania. His area of expertise includes topics such as: the history of the European idea; populism; future politics. He writes extensively on European politics both at home and abroad.
Răzvan Ștefan Tecuceanu
President of the
Association for the
Digitization of
Răzvan Ștefan Tecuceanu
A Summa cum Laude graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in Germany, Răzvan has over 19 years of experience in projects in the field of computer science, as a programmer, system architect, AI expert and IT team coordinator, project manager and C.E.O. Răzvan considers himself a pioneer towards Artificial Intelligence, even though he has been working in AI projects for several years. Răzvan founded ADU, the Association for the Digitization of Urbanism, an organization that aims to support courses and educational events on AI, robotics and digitization so that everyone understands them. Răzvan also founded MeetPlace GmbH, a company that uses artificial intelligence to work in the field of automation, digitization and electronic archiving of documents.
He likes very much to question all the structures created by us humans and to predict the evolution of these entities in the future. For him, the true mysteries of nature are the human mind and the universe. But in order for the human spirit to continue to exist, we must pay more attention to our planet. That is why Razvan always considers the ecosystem of our planet to be involved when it comes to launching new products or replacing existing ones.
When he talks about his work we often hear Razvan say:“ I create magic using Artificial Intelligence and I’m making papers disappear, playing with digitalization.“
Absolvent al Summa cum Laude al Facultății de Matematică și Informatică din Germania, Răzvan are peste 19 ani de experiență în proiecte în domeniul informaticii, ca programator, arhitect de sistem, expert AI și coordonator echipă IT, manager de proiect și C.E.O. Răzvan se consideră un pionier al inteligenței artificiale, chiar dacă lucrează în proiecte de AI de câțiva ani. Răzvan a înființat ADU, Asociația de Digitalizare a Urbanismului, o organizație care își propune să susțină cursuri și evenimente educaționale despre AI, robotică și digitalizare, astfel încât toată lumea să le înțeleagă. Răzvan a mai fondat MeetPlace GmbH, o companie care folosește inteligența artificială pentru a lucra în domeniul automatizării, digitalizării și arhivării electronice a documentelor.
Îi place foarte mult să pună la îndoială toate structurile create de noi oamenii și să prezică evoluția acestor entități în viitor. Pentru el, adevăratele mistere ale naturii sunt mintea umană și universul. Dar pentru ca spiritul uman să existe în continuare, trebuie să acordăm mai multă atenție planetei noastre. De aceea, Razvan consideră întotdeauna că ecosistemul planetei noastre este implicat atunci când vine vorba de lansarea de noi produse sau de înlocuirea celor existente.
Când vorbește despre munca sa, îl auzim adesea pe Razvan spunând: „Creez magie folosind inteligența artificială și fac să dispară hârtiile, jucându-mă cu digitalizarea.”
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Bogdan Popescu,
Romanian Society of
Cardiology; Head, Cardiology
Emergency Institute
for Cardiovascular
Diseases „Prof. Dr. C.
C. Iliescu”
Eduard Apetrei,
Professor of
Doctor Honoris
Causa “Gr.T.Popa”
Iași University of
Member of Academy
of Medical Science,
Fellow of
European Society of
Profesor Universitar – Cardiologie
Doctor Honoris Cauza-Universitatea de Medicnă „Gr.T.Popa” Iași
Membru al Academiei de Științe Medicale.
Fellow al Societății Europene de Cardiologie
(n.11.10.1937,Blăgesti,Jud. Bacău) Studii: Liceul Ferdinad din Bacău,Facultatea de Medicină din Iaşi (1954-1960),cursuri şi stagii de Cardiologie în ţară ( 1965-1966) şi în diferite domenii ale cardiologiei în Franța(1972), Finlanda (1972),Belgia (1972), Anglia (1993), SUA(1994). Activitate:stagiar: Din anul 1965 activează în Universitatea de Medicina Carol Davila, Bucuresti: preparator, asistent, şef de lucrări (1978),conferenţiar,(1991),profesor(1993).Şeful clinicii de cardiologie (1992-2003). Doctor în medicină (1973), medic primar cardiolog (1974). Viziting Profesor Universitatea Bowman Gray Carolina de Nord (America) 3 luni (1994). .Membru în Comisia Europeană specialitatea Cardiologie( 1995-2010), membru în comisia Europeana de acreditare în ecocardiografie(2000-2005).Editor coordonator al Revistei Romane de Cardiologie(1991-2004), redactor şef al Romanian Journal of Caradiology (2004- 2014)
Membru în comitetul de redacţie la 9 reviste medicale din ţară şi din afară.
Cercetare:. A contribuit esenţial la introducerea ecocardiografiei în Romania,organizând cursuri, în domeniu, înaintea multor ţări din Europa, a scris primul tratat de ecocardiografie din ţară. Clinica de cardiologie a primit titlul de Centru de Excelenţă în perioada cât a fost seful clinicii. A contribuit la desvoltare cardiologiei moderne în România ,continuând opera înaintaşilor C.C. Iliescu, C.Carp. Preşedinte al Societății Române de Cardiologie (1994-1998). A organizat şi condus nenumărate Congrese si Conferinte Nationale de cardiologie. Din anul 1984 participa la congresele Europeene de cardiologie si ecocardiografie cu lucrari sau conferinte, moderând sesiuni. Membru în comitetul ştiinţific al unor congrese europeene sau mondiale de cardiologie, lector si moderator la cursuri internationale.
Publicatii: Autor unic sau /coautor a 18 carți de cardioogie. A scris si 32 capitole in alte tratate sau monografii, peste 280 lucrări publicate( dintre care 81 cotate ISI şi 72 Pub-Med). Afilieri:Membru al Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale (vicepreşdinte 2007-2015 ), Fellow al Societăţii Europene de Cardiologie, membru a numeroase scietăţi ştiinţifice internaţionale de cardiologie şi ecocardiografie. Prezent in Who’s Who
Distincţii:Ordinul National Serviciul Credincios in grad de Comandor, Premiul Iuliu Haţieganu al Academiei Romane ( 2004), Premiul Academiei de Stiinte Medicale (2016), Cetăţean de onoare al comunei Blăgeşti, Cetăţean de onare al oraşului Bacău. Doctor Honoris Causa –Univ. Medicină Iaşi. Spitalul din Buhusi a primit numele de Spitalul “Prof. Dr.Eduard Apetrei”.(2019)
Crina Julieta
University of
Medicine and
“Carol Davila”
Daniel Lighezan,
Primary Care
Physician in
Cardiology and
Internal Medicine
Fertility and Assisted Reproduction
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Radu Vlădăreanu
MD, PhD.
obstetrician-gynecologist with skills in
maternal-fetal medicine
Radu Vlădăreanu
MD, PhD.
obstetrician-gynecologist with skills in
maternal-fetal medicine
Denisa Protopopescu
MD, PhD.
Carmen Ianiotescu
Specialist Obstetrics-Gynecology
Wellborn Medical
Diana Cocei
Primary obstetrician-gynecologist and embryologist