- November 10, 2022
Sustainable Agriculture - Digitalisation, technology and food security
- “Drepturile Omului” Hall of the Palace of Parliament & online
The Committee for Agriculture, Forestry, Food Industry and specific services of the Chamber of Deputies
Institutional Partners
Gabriel Micu,
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Opening speech
Florin-Ionuț Barbu
Chair of the Committee for
Agriculture, Forestry, Food Industry and specific services of the
Chamber of Deputies
Florin – Ionuț BARBU
Președintele Comisiei pentru agricultură, silvicultură, industrie alimentară și servicii specifice din Camera Deputaților – Parlamentul României
Florin – Ionuț BARBU s-a născut pe 04 septembrie 1980, în județul Olt, România.
Având în vedere studiile de specialitate în domeniul economic precum și vasta sa experiență în administrație publică de aproape 10 ani în cadrul Primăriei Municipiului Slatina, jud. Olt, acesta a decis să candideze ca deputat în Parlamentul României, urmând a ocupa funcția de membru în Comisia pentru buget, finanţe şi bănci, timp de 1 an de zile din momentul validării mandatului de deputat.
Cunoștințele acumulate în domeniul agricol, facilitate de experiența sa de peste 5 ani ca director general al Agenției Naționale de Îmbunătățiri Funciare (ANIF), împreună cu pasiunea pentru acest domeniu, au făcut ca acesta să activeze începând cu noiembrie 2021 ca membru al Comisiei pentru agricultură, silvicultură, industrie alimentară și servicii specifice, iar din luna decembrie a aceluiași an sa ocupe și funcția de președinte a acestei Comisii, funcție pe care continuă sa o dețină și în prezent.
Activitatea sa parlamentară până în prezent excedă lucrările în cadrul comisiilor menționate mai sus, astfel că acesta mai face parte și din grupurile parlamentare de prietenie cu Republica Guineea, cu Republica Africa de Sud și cu Regatul Suediei.
Florin – Ionuț BARBU
The President of the Committee for Agriculture, Forestry, Food Industry and Specific Services in the Chamber of Deputies - Parliament of Romania
Florin – Ionuț BARBU was born on September 4th, 1980, in Olt county, Romania.
Taking into account his specialized studies in the economic field as well as his extensive experience in public administration for almost 10 years in the Slatina City Hall, Olt county, he decided to run as deputy in the Romanian Parliament, following to occupy a member position in the Committee for budget, finance and banks for 1 year from the moment of his mandate validation as deputy.
The knowledge he accumulated in the agricultural field, facilitated by his experience of more than 5 years as general director of the National Land Improvement Agency, together with his passion for this field, have made him an active member of the Committee for agriculture, forestry, food industry and specific services, starting November 2021, which led to him occupying a month later the position of president of this Committee, a position he continues to hold today.
His parliamentary activity to date exceeds the work within the above-mentioned committees, considering that he is also part of the parliamentary friendship groups with the Republic of Guinea, the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Sweden.
Keynote speakers
Mihail Dumitru
Deputy Director General (DDG)
Directorate General Agriculture and Rural development
European Commission
Mihail DUMITRU – Deputy Director General (DDG)
Directorate general Agriculture and Rural development
Romanian nationality. Agriculture economist specialised in agrifood economics and rural development. Postgraduate studies in France and Greece at the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies. Ph D in economics.
After graduation of Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania he worked three years in a large state owned farm in Prahova county, South Romania. After the farm experience moved into economic research carrying research studies in agricultural economics and rural economics at the Institute of Agricultural Economics Bucharest a constituent institute of Romanian Academy where he was head of a research department. In 1995 joined the Delegation of the European Commission in Bucharest where he followed the whole process of Romania's accession to the EU being in charge with agriculture and other related sectors. In the last years prior to accession he headed the section of the Delegation in charge of Agriculture and Internal market. In 2006 he joined DG AGRI where he was in charge of negotiation of the first rural development programme (2007-2013) of Romania co-financed by EAFRD.
Minister of Agriculture and Rural development of Romania in 2010 he re-joined the European Commission in early 2011 where he took over a directorate in charge of Rural development programmes. In February 2014 he became Deputy Director General responsible for rural development and research. Since January 2017 he is DDG responsible for CAP direct support, rural development and CAP sustainability.
Petre Daea
Minister of Agriculture
Panel I
Tudorel Andrei,
President of the
National Institute of Statistics
Marian Avram
President-Director General
of the
National Agency for
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Marian Avram is the President-Director General of the National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture since March 2022.
Veterinary doctor/veterinarian, 1991 class of USAMV Bucharest — Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Primary Physician in Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health.
Graduate in 2000 of F.M.V. Cluj University, graduate în 2003 of the School of High Postgraduate Studies Bucharest - Management, followed all professional steps from veterinarian to management at local and central level within the National Sanitary, Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, served as Deputy Director within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development between 2017-2018, actively participated in European integration and in national and international projects of infrastructure and community development.
His professional career also includes parliamentary activity, as a deputy 2008-2012 and Secretary of the Committee of Agriculture of the Chamber of Deputies 2012-2016.
Daniel Bărbulescu,
Deputy General Director
Agency for Financing Rural Investments
Ion Toncea,
President of the
National Federation of Ecological Agriculture
Dr. Ing. Ion Toncea
Dr. Ing. Ion Toncea s-a născut la data de 29.07.1946 în localitatea Osica de Jos, Județul Olt, a efectuat studiile primare în perioada 1953 – 1957 la școala generală din localitatea Osica de Jos, Județul Olt și pe cele gimnaziale și liceale, în perioada 1957 - 1964 la secţia reală a Liceului „Ioniţa Assan” din oraşul Caracal, judeţul Olt.
În perioada 1964 – 1969 a urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Agronomie din cadrul Institutului Agronomic „Nicolae Bălcescu” – Bucureşti, pe care le-a absolvit în anul 1969 cu titlul de inginer în specialitatea Agronomie, iar în perioada 1973 – 1978, pe cele ale Facultății de Contabilitate și Economie Agrară din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice – Bucureşti pe care le-a absolvit în anul 1978 cu Diploma de licenţă în Ştiinţe Economice, specializarea Contabilitate şi Economie Agrară.
Din ianuarie 1990 este Doctor în Agronomie, iar din anul 1994, Master of Science (MSc) in Ecological Agriculture, titlu acordat de Universitatea Wageningen din Olanda urmare a cursului de Master in Ecological Agriculture efectuat în perioada 1992 – 1994. În perioada 1981 – 1996 dl. Toncea a efectuat mai multe specializări în străinătate în domeniul agrochimiei şi fertilizării culturilor de câmp și în agricultură ecologică.
În ceea ce privește activitatea profesională, în perioada 1969 – 1975 a fost inginer șef la CAP Dalboșeț, Județul Caraș Severin și șef de fermă la CAP Sinești, Județul Olt, iar din anul 1976 și până în prezent, cercetător științific, cercetător științific gradul III, II și I la Institutul de Cercetări pentru Cereale și Plante Tehnice (ICCPT), Institutul de Cercetare și Dezvoltarea Agricolă (ICDA) și, respectiv Institutul Național de Cercetare și Dezvoltarea Agricolă (INCDA) Fundulea.
În aproximativ aceeași perioadă de activitate științifică, a desfășurat și activități didactice în calitate de profesor asociat la Facultatea de Agricultură și Facultatea de Management, Inginerie Economică în Agricultură și Dezvoltare Rurală din cadrul USAM București și la Facultatea de Științe ale Naturii și Științe Agricole a Universității Ovidius din Constanța. Începând din anul 1996 şi până în prezent a asigurat, în fiecare an, coordonarea ştiinţifică a cel puţin unei lucrări de licenţă, a condus 10 lucrări de disertaţie (masterat) și a fost membru în 13 comisii de doctorat în calitate de referent oficial.
De asemenea, Dr. Ing. Ion Toncea a efectuat și o serie de activități de conducere (administrare) și reprezentare, în calitate de Șef ”Centrul Agroecologic de Cercetare, Inovare și Transfer Tehnologic” în cadrul ICDA și INCDA Fundulea, membru fondator și preşedinte de la înfiinţare (1998) şi până în prezent al Asociaţiei Române pentru Agricultură Durabilă (A.R.A.D.), membru fondator și preşedinte de la înființare (2000) şi până în februarie 2013 și de reprezentare, până în prezent al Federaţiei Naţionale de Agricultură Ecologică (F.N.A.E), și de repreprezentant al României în consiliul de conducere al grupului de lucru IFOAM-EU (Federaţia Internaţională a Mişcărilor de Agricultură Ecologică – Uniunea Europeană), în perioada 2008 – 2013. Din anul 2017 este Membru Corespondent al Academiei de Științe Agricole și Silvice ”Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti”.
În calitate de cercetător științific, cadru didactic și președinte al A.R.A.D. și FNAE a condus și participat la 33 de proiecte de cercetare-inovare, naționale (21) și internaționale (12) și a scris și publicat, în calitate de singur autor, prim autor și colaborator, 10 cărți, 8 broșuri și 132 lucrări științifice și 30 de popularizare, inclusiv 6 cursuri online.
Eduardo Cuoco
Director of
IFOAM Organics Europe
Eduardo Cuoco is the director of IFOAM Organics Europe, the European Federation representing the organic supply chain actors.
He has been involved in organic farming since 1998 and collaborated with organizations and public institutions working for the development of agri-food policies. He is a recognized expert in Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System and in strategies to revitalize rural areas.
Panel II
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Veronica Țaran
General Director
National Agency for
Mountain Area
Veronica Țaran Baciu
General Director
National Agency for Mountain Area
Born in September 1986, Veronica Țaran Baciu is PhD student in Economic Sciences at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and a master's degree in Business Administration at the same academy. Graduated in economic sciences at the Faculty of Administration and Business, University of Bucharest, as well as in law at the Faculty of Law at Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest.
She graduated the Romanian Diplomatic Institute within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy Course.
Certification in the field of the European System of Accounts of the Ministry of Public Finance.
She has been active in the central state system for 12 years, holding the positions of ex-ante verification expert, project officer on programs with European funding, head of the financial service, and in 2019 he became director of the Strategy Directorate within the National Agency of the Mountain Region, as of director having a significant contribution to the development of policies regarding the sustainable development of the mountain area in Romania.
From 2020, she holds the position of general director of the National Agency of the Mountain Area, a public institution subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, whose main activities are policies and strategies to develop and protect the mountain area, the management of the Mountain Product quality scheme, the establishment Massif Committees and the National Mountain Council.
Representative of Romania to the Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership "Mountains matter/Ideas for action", in Aspen, Colorado, United States of America, September 26-29, 2022.
She is the National Contact Point for BIOEAST, the Bioeconomy knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry Initiative. The BIOEAST initiative was established to provide a political platform to CEE countries aiming to develop the bioeconomy sector, to strengthen cooperation in the field of research and innovation, participation to the development of ERA - European Research Area policies and in the Programme- HORIZON 2020 framework.
Co-author of numerous scientific workings on mountain rural development, the importance of short food chains and specific vocational training for mountain rural areas.
Adrian Pintea
General Manager of
APIA (Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture)
Florian Ciolacu
Executive Director
Romanian Farmers’ Club for Performant Agriculture
Executive Director
Romanian Farmers’ Club for Performant Agriculture
Florian Ciolacu is the Executive Director for Romanian Farmers’ Club for Performant
Starting September 2018, Florian coordinates the activities of the Executive Unit of the
association, of the programs and projects launched to achieve the objectives of the Club,
which aims to increase the competitiveness and profitability of the businesses in Romanian
Florian was Commercial Vice President of the most prestigious Romanian software house,
SIVECO Romania, specialized in complex software projects. Florian was part of SIVECO team
for eleven years.
Earlier, he served as diplomat in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dealing with UN
and Multilateral Diplomacy. He was assigned as Romanian representative to specialized
agencies in Geneva (2000-2004) – International Telecommunication Union, World Intellectual
Property Organization and UNCTAD – also to the European Center for Nuclear Research.
In 2006 he has graduated Executive Policy Program of the J.F.K. School of Government,
Harvard University.
Florian is a member of ASPEN Institute.
Florian has graduated Physics Faculty, University of Bucharest and followed postgraduate
studies at Academy of Economic Studies (Bucharest).
Alina Crețu
Executive Director of
Romanian Maize Growers Association -
Alina Cretu is the Executive Director of Romanian Maize Growers Association. APPR is a national farmer organisation and part of the ROMANIAN ALLIANCE FOR AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION (member of Copa-Cogeca). APPR is one of the most consolidated farmer organization at national level and one of the first association with very active presence at European and international level.
She is responsible of all general managing and administrative affairs of this professional non-governmental structure (administrative, human resources, financial, legal).
Building the first Romanian independent national network for applied research- RITAC (owned and financed by farmers) represents for her a model of confirmed transparency, ethical practices recognized by local industry and policy makers. During her professional activities (for the last 17 years) she was involved in different independent research projects. Her main domain for scientific activities was dedicated to provide reliable studies to different stakeholders in order to ensure a balanced communication across the food chain production.
In her previous administrative and legal functions she was the President and legal representative of the Romanian Seed Industry Alliance.
Alina Cretu was also coordinating for 10 years marketing and development activities for a multinational company in agribusiness area at national level
Cecilia Alexandri
Director of the
Institute of Agricultural Economics
of the
Romanian Academy
Cecilia ALEXANDRI is the director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Romanian Academy. She is an economist and scientific researcher with concerns in the field of agricultural markets, agricultural policies, food security and agricultural land consolidation. The topic of her PhD dissertation, which she submitted in the year 2000, was “Food Security and Equilibrium in Romania”. She has worked in different projects on agricultural and food policies in the transition period (e.g. the FAO project “Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania”, 2002), evaluation of the impact of adopting the Common Agricultural Policy on agricultural markets, farmers’ incomes and consumers (e.g. the World Bank project “Romania’s Agri-food Policies in a European Perspective”, 2005), the Common Agricultural Policy reform (e.g. the project of the European Institute of Romania “The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Context of Post-2013 Budgetary Perspective”, 2011).
In the period 2015-2016 she also participated in the Romanian Academy project “Romania’s Development Strategy for the Next 20 Years / Project 5. “Food Security and Safety”, coordinator: Cristian Hera. Among the recent scientific research works, the following can be mentioned: “The Agricultural Sector and Rural Area in the Covid-19 Crisis: Challenging Food Security”, published in the volume “The Pandemic, Constraints and Economic Opportunities”, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2021, and the volume “Agriculture and Rural Area: Assessments at Ten Years from the Accession to the EU”, also published by the Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2017. In the year 2021, she was the coordinator of the project Romania – Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Programming Support, with funding from the Ministry of Agriculture and the World Bank Group Romania.
Bibiana Stanciulov
General Manager
Sonimpex Topoloveni
Horaţiu Oliviu
CEO & Founder
Holiv Ecoplant
Buzgău Horațiu Oliviu - Economist, CEO & Founder of Holiv Ecoplant SRL, Business Consultant at Agrind Group
He graduated from Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Business Administration and, he currently coordinates the strategic component of a well known group of companies from North-West Romania, called Agrind Group. At the same time, he holds the position of CEO within the company Holiv Ecoplant SRL, a start-up that he founded in 2016.
His academic career has been extended to an international level, having been involved in numerous external partnerships with universities from Norway, Netherlands and Russia. In 2017, he was awarded with the ‘Title of Excellence’ by the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
He stands for sustainable agriculture, based on healthy principles, and he is putting in to practice the Farm-to-Fork concept. He is mainly focusing his activity on implementing environmentally friendly agricultural policies.
Panel III
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Ciprian Olteanu
member of the
Board of Directors
Romanian Farmers’ Club
Ciprian Olteanu is the second generation of farmers in his family and was the Farm Manager of Algap SRL, he is currently mayor of Unirea in Călărași
Ciprian’s main responsibility was to maximize the productivity of land plots, ensuring that day-to-day activities were well planned and that everything was prepared in advance for different farming activities. Ciprian was coordinating the activities to implement the new technologies such as: variable seeding rate, GPS guided machinery, farming management software for better planning and better input consumption tracking. He managed the farm team, developed customers and suppliers’ relations, negotiated the contracts, and supervised the deliveries.
From 2016 to 2020, Ciprian was the President of OUAI Unirea Calarași and through this organization he applied for two European projects, 2 million euros in total, 100% non-refundable. He developed an irrigation system for 750 ha and implemented new technologies: GPS system, satellite monitoring, automatic fuel consumption monitoring, plots and applied inputs’ monitoring software, weather station with underground sensors monitoring soil moisture.
Ciprian Olteanu has a master’s degree in accounting at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. In 2012, he graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration (English) at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Since 2015, Ciprian is attending the courses of Agronomy Faculty at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest.
Ciprian is one of the young people enrolled in the first series of the training program "Young Leaders for Agriculture" and „Managing 4.0 Agriculture” launched by the Romanian Farmers Club
Ovidiu G. Bucătaru
Chief Financial
Grup Șerban
Marin Dumbravă
Owner the
Biodumbrava Ecological Farm
Marin Dumbravă has graduated from the Military Technical Academy (with a major in Planes and Engines) and the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and with a master's degree in the Management of Defense Resources from the Faculty of Military Command ("Carol I" University of Defense). In 2006, he has initiated two admnistration programmes for NATO and, in 2008, he has retired with a Commander's degree.
As he wished to be active in his retirement years, he has started, in 2009, the Biodumbrava Ecological Farm, which is one of the first organic farms in the country, where he has been growing fruits and vegetables in an environment-friendly system. Basing its activity on the concept of "Health through food", the Biodumbrava Ecological Farm has played a pioneering role in Romanian organic agriculture, by promoting a large variety of Romanian vegetable cultivars, produced at the highest ecological standards. The vegetables grown in the farm are carefully examined for quality. From its very first beginnings, Biodumbrava has desired to cater to the needs of clients who wish for healthy food, by introducing, for the first time in our country, several ancient vegetable cultivars (with a history of over 2000 years). The products obtained in the farm are generally sold directly to the clients, but there have also been collaborations with several supermarket chains.
A valuable experience has been gained through the programmes "From the farm to the consumer" and "The short supply chain". From the very beginnig, the Biodumbrava Ecological Farm has taken part in several fairs and exhibitions, where it has promoted the introduction of historical cultivars in the local agriculture, by explaining their importance in regards to good health. During all this time, it has focused on the promotion of a healthy diet, by all available means: in media, through visits to the farm organized for groups of children, students and do on. Several groups of farmers from Romania and abroad have visited the farm, as part experience exchanges about the diversity and the importance in regards to good health of growing the ancient historical vegetable cultivars.
C.-L. Preda
State Secretary for
2020 - 2021
2021 - 2022
Commisar Chief of
The National
Environmental Guard
March 2021 -
September 2021
Cezar Rujan
Co-founder and CEO