Bucharest Leaders Summit:
Emerging challenges of the future
– Speakers –

Industrial production faced with growing energy prices



Institutional Partners

Media Partners

Panel I

* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo


Silvia Vlasceanu

Silvia Vlăsceanu
Executive Director


florin spataru e1664952800831

Florin Spataru
Minister of Economy

Sandor Bende e1662986024196

Sandor Bende
Chair of the Committee for Industries and Services of the Chamber of Deputies

Iuliu Winkler

Iuliu Winkler
Member of the European Parliament

anca dragu rotated e1647360239117

Anca Dana Dragu
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Cults and Minorities

aurora mordonu scaled e1666702438764

Aurora Mordonu
Deputy Head of Unit in the
DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs,
European Commission

stefan vuza nou e1662454631408

Ștefan Vuza,
Chairman Chimcomplex

Mircea Turdean

Mircea Turdean
General Manager FARMEC

Dan Dobrea e1666770466905

Dan Dobrea
General Manager

Panel II

* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo

Man Mircea e1666959521764

Mircea Man
Vice-president of

Vasile Carstea

Vasile Cârstea
General Manager
DEPOGAZ Ploiești

Daniel Burlan

Daniel Burlan
General Manager
CE Oltenia

mihaela coroiu e1667906276260

Mihaela Coroiu
Marketing Director

john D. McDonalds e1664203315258

John D. McDonald, P.E.
IEEE Life Fellow
Member of National Academy of Engineering
CIGRE Honorary Member

Razvan Copoiu

Răzvan Copoiu
General Manager Signify Romania & South Eastern Europe (former Philips Lighting)

Constantin Vasilescu

Constantin Vasilescu
Executive President of the General Union of Industrialists of Romania UGIR-1903

sergiu bazarciuc e1667808976101

Sergiu Bazarciuc

Ionut Purica

Prof. eng.
Ionuț Purica
Member at
Prime Minister’s
Advisory Council for
Sustainable Development

Petru Ianc

Petru Ianc
Honorary Member of
The Technical
Scienses Academy
of Romania

Calin Vilt

Călin Vilt
Scientific Advisor

Panel III

* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo

misa popic e1650285569161

Mișa Popic
CEO Romaero

Valentin silivestru

Valentin Silivestru
President –
General Director

Viorel Manole e1664894272264

Viorel Manole
Executive Director PATROMIL

Ioan piso

Marius-Ioan Piso
Scientific Activities
International Academy of Astronautics

Nicoleta Tandareanu 1

Nicoleta Ţăndăreanu,
Trainer National Institute of Magistracy

vicentiu corbu scaled e1665041942228

Vicentiu Corbu
CEO – KIM Solutions for Process Automation

Partners’ Speakers

Ștefan Vuza,
Chairman Chimcomplex

Adrian Ivănescu,
Director of the FARMEC representative office, Bucharest

Vasile Cârstea
General Manager
DEPOGAZ Ploiești

Constantin Vasilescu
Executive President of the
General Union of Industrialists of Romania

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