- November 16, 2022
Digitalisation and Data Protection
- online
Ovidiu Sincai
European School
Maria-Manuela Catrina has a background in mathematics, computer science, cybernetics, as well as training in security and international relations.
In the early 2000s, Ms Catrina had the first opportunity to join the high levels of government as advisor for the Romanian Prime Minister, after which she continued as parliamentary advisor for Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Speaker.
Ms Catrina has joined the executive branch as Secretary of State at the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Informational Society between 2017 and 2019. Here, she has dedicated her time to steering the complex preparations for Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Jan-Jun 2019). Her mandate includes broader aspects of international relations and European affairs, as well as more specialized areas, such as cybersecurity, AI and satellite communications. In addition to handling the numerous European legislative files stemming from EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe and representing Romania at the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, she also coordinated a number of high level national groups tasked with ensuring the security and resilience of Romania’s IT and telecommunications infrastructure.
Ms Catrina who was nominated among top 50 Women of Influence in Cyber-security in Europe is passionate about digital transformation and promoting women in technology.
Since 2013, Ms Catrina is the Director the Ovidiu Sincai European School, the Social Democratic Institute’s key leadership project, under the aegis of the Council of Europe.
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Keynote speakers
Marius Humelnicu
Chair of the
Senate Committee for
Communications, Information Technology and
Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Marius Humelnicu is a Senator and the Chairman of the Communications, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Committee in the Senate of Romania from December 2020 until present. As the Chairman of the Committee he has held various roles: leading all the Committee's activities, chairing the meetings, representing the Committee in its relations with the President of Romania, the Government and other central government institutions.
Mr. Humelnicu has over 11 years of experience in local and central public administration. He was the City Manager of Galaţi between 2016 and 2019 and from 2019 until 2020, coordinating public services of local affairs. In 2020 he was assigned Vice-mayor of the city.
During the periods 2015-2016 and 2019, he was Secretary of State at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in the Government of Romania where he coordinated the activities in the road and naval fields as well as the structures and units subordinated to the Ministry.
Mr. Humelnicu holds a Bachelor's degree in ''Managerial and Technological Engineering'' from "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Mechanics. He also holds two Master's degrees in two different areas, one in ''Law and European Public Administration'' from "Danubius’’ University of Galaţi, Faculty of Law and the other one in ''Road Traffic Safety and Performance'' from ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Mechanics.
Dragoș Tohănean
Vice President of the
Romanian Digitization Authority
Dragos TOHĂNEAN (b. 1990, Brașov, Romania) is the Vice President of the Romanian Digitization Authority
(ADR) since May 16, 2022.
Dragoș Tohănean has over a decade of experience in the IT&C field. He is, by profession, a software
developer - the main area of activity being that of the SAP domain. He has worked in several top
companies in the IT industry in Romania and Germany.
Dragoș Tohănean holds an MBA in Corporate Governance and Innovation Management from the
Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences and is currently pursuing a PhD in Business Administration
at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania.
In parallel with the position of vice-president of ADR, Dragoș Tohănean is an associate professor at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Transilvania University in Brașov, Romania.
Panel I
Adina Magda Florea
Head of
Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
Vice Rector of
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Adina Magda Florea is Professor at the Department of Computer Science of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and Director of the International Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence@UPB.
Between 2012 and 2020 Prof. Florea was Dean of the Faculty of Control Systems and Computer Science in UPB and, since 2020, she is Vice Rector of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, coordinating the Master of Science programmes and leading the digital transformation of the university. Previously, Prof. Florea had a one-year invited professorship at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, USA, and she was invited professor at several European universities.
Her research interests are in multi-agent systems, machine learning, ambient intelligence, active and assistive living, social robots, and human-robot interaction. Prof. Florea founded and holds the chair of Artificial Intelligence in UPB, was the director of 25 national RDI grants and 6 international grants, and coordinated the development of the PRECIS Research Center at UPB.
She was awarded with 3 Best Paper Awards, 2 IBM Prize for Excellence, and Ordre des Palmes Acadèmiques Grade de Chevalier. She is Senior Member of IEEE, Senior Member of ACM, President of the Romanian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Chair of IEEE Romanian Section Chapter of Computational Intelligence, and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
Cristin Nicolae
Monitoring and
Executive Division
Cristin Nicolae POPA
Cristin POPA has been Executive Director of ANCOM’s Monitoring and Control Executive Division of for more than 13 years. In this position, he oversees the monitoring of the radio spectrum with non-governmental use, as well as the verification of the compliance by the electronic communications and postal services providers in Romania with the obligations imposed on them. Furthermore, he supervises the nationwide monitoring and control activities which are conducted by means of the regional divisions and local offices of ANCOM.
Two of the most popular instruments of ANCOM targeted at the general public were developed under Mr. Popa’s coordination: aisemnal.ro – the interactive map of mobile signal coverage across Romania and monitor-emf.ro – the map of real-time measurements of the electromagnetic field in Romania.
Graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and holder of a public management master from the Academy of Economic Studies, Cristin Popa has 18 years of professional experience in the Romanian electronic communications sector.
Cristin Nicolae POPA
Cristin Nicolae POPA conduce, în calitate de director executiv, Direcția Executivă Monitorizare și Control din cadrul ANCOM de peste 13 ani. În această calitate supraveghează activitatea de monitorizare a spectrului radio cu utilizare neguvernamentală, precum și activitatea de verificare a respectării obligațiilor impuse furnizorilor de servicii și de rețele de comunicații electronice și de servicii poștale din România. De asemenea, coordonează activitatea de monitorizare și control la nivel național, desfășurată de Direcțiile Regionale și de oficiile județene ale Autorității.
Două dintre cele mai populare instrumente ale ANCOM adresate publicului larg au fost dezvoltate sub coordonarea lui Cristin Nicolae POPA: aisemnal.ro – harta interactivă de acoperire cu semnal mobil a localităților, drumurilor naționale și județene din România și monitor-emf.ro – harta măsurătorilor în timp real a câmpului electromagnetic din România.
Cristin Nicolae POPA este absolvent al Facultăţii de Electronică și Telecomunicații din cadrul Universității Politehnica București și al unui master de Public Management din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice, având o experienţă de 18 de ani în sectorul comunicaţiilor electronice din România.
Cătălina Dodu
Country Manager
Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania
and Global Cybersecurity Services Presales and
T&T Director
With over 20 years of experience in IT, Cătălina Dodu has been leading Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania operations since February 2014 and is also Global Cybersecurity Services Presales and T&T Head at Atos. Before being appointed as Country Manager, she led the System Integration division of Atos Romania and was previously Director of Product Management at Bitdefender. She holds a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and a Master's degree in IT Project Management. She is also a graduate of the Romanian-Canadian MBA program.
From 2016 Catalina Dodu is a member of the Board in ANIS, the national association representing more than 170 tech companies operating in Romania. In 2022 she was elected VP of ANIS.
Călin Rangu
Vice-president and
Co- founder
CIO Council România
Călin Rangu is co-founder and vice-president of CIO Council Romania, university lecturer in information management systems, FINTECH, and IT financial technologies, Dean of Business Administration and Economics Sciences Faculty of the Danubius University of Galați, resolution director of Insurance Guarantee Fund in Romania, Ph.D. in neural networks applied in the processing of financial series, double degree in engineering and economics, graduate of post-university studies, M.B.A. graduate of the City University of Seattle – US, scientific researcher in the field of communications.
He has over 25 years of experience in the financial-banking field, in the field of information systems management, and over 18 years of strategic and operational management in private companies and financial authorities.
He was President of the Institute of Financial Studies, Vice-Chair of the InsurTech Committee of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and a Member of the European Financial Innovation Forum (EFIF) at the EU level. He published four books, and over 100 technical articles in IT, finance&banking, banking technologies, cybersecurity, and more.
Vlad Doicaru
Public Affairs Director
and Vice-president of
Huawei Romania
Vlad Doicaru have an experience of 20 years in the Telecommunications and IT industry. He has a Major in Electronics and Mobile Communications from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Electronics and Telecommunications Faculty in 2002.
He was involved in several scientific activities such as from the Military Technical Academy (The 30th Internationally Scientific Conference - Modern Technologies in the 21st Century), Polytechnic University Bucharest (Scientific Communications Sessions and ETTI Session), COMM2016 IEEE conference, Lucian Blaga University (SID 2021).
Vlad Doicaru is currently the Public Affairs Director and Vice-president of Huawei Romania. Since he joined Huawei in 2004 he had several responsibilities in presales, sales and business development as well as Government relations.
Bogdan Tudor
StarTech Team
(Class IT Group)
Bogdan Tudor
StarTech Team (Class IT Group)
Bogdan Tudor runs the largest local IT services and support company in Romania. He founded the company StarTech Team (part of Class IT Group) in 2001 and started managing it in 2005, with the aim of providing an exceptional and innovative IT support business.
He is currently leading the AI research in IT support services integrating his findings into OptimumDesk a complete IT Full Service Management platform, that is currently resolving without human intervention about 40% of customer requests of an IT support center. His contribution does not stop here and is currently very much focused on everything that means digital transformation. In addition to all the projects he has in progress, he is currently also a professor of Digital Transformation at the prestigious business school in Romania, Asebuss.
Bogdan early improved Internet access for millions of Romanians (traffic speed and continuous access) he was involved in the installation of the first CEE name-server root in Bucharest and in the construction of Ronix, the first local Inter-exchange network. During the Internet boom he began to be more and more interested in communications and networks, helping to build the largest Romanian ISP, which in 2004 reached an exit of 10 million.
He grew up in Bucharest and started at a fairly young age to program in BASIC on a Spectrum computer. In high school, he also had his first job, as a programmer. He later received his degree in computer science from the Politehnica University of Bucharest and continued his studies with an EMBA degree from Kennesaw State University Asebuss in 2005, a degree from Harvard in Decision Making in 2011, and MIT Global Entrepreneurship Development in 2013.
Grațiela Iordache
Coordinator of the
Project Implementation Unit
Mrs. Gratiela Iordache is a system analyst graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics-University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, a graduate of the Joint International MBA Program of Case Western Reserve University-Weatherhead Business School, U.S.A. – CEU and a doctorand of Romanian Academy.
She cooperated for more than 20 years with international organizations such as OECD, World Bank, IFC, Parliamentary Assembly of European Council and European Commission. For the last 13 years she activated in the field of national and international project management, implementing international projects with World Bank, European Commission and, the most recent one, with OECD.
Presently, she is coordinating ANMCS’s Unit for Project Implementation and represents the institution in the OECD’s working formats. She was an active member of the Working Group organized by the Ministry of Health to formulating the eHealth Strategy and she is a member of the Technical Group regarding PNRR’s digital component in health sector.
Panel II
Augustin Jianu,
Member of the
“Simply Green”
Minister of
Communications and Information Society
January- June 2017
Toma Cîmpeanu
National Association
for Information
Systems Security
C.-L. Preda
State Secretary for
2020 - 2021
2021 - 2022
Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI
Cybercrime training
officer at the European
Union Agency for Law
Enforcement Training (CEPOL),
Vice president of the
Romanian Association for
Information Security Assurance (RAISA)
Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI is a researcher, trainer, and conference speaker, with an experience of more than 15 years in cybercrime, open-source intelligence, and cybersecurity. He is a cybercrime training officer at the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), monitor of the Ad-Hoc Raising Awareness Working Group from the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), associate professor at “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy, honorary professor at CT University, India, founding member and vice president of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA).
Daniela Cireasa
ASCPD - Privacy and
Data Protection
Sergiu Zaharia
Director Cyber Strategy Advisory, Deloitte Romania
Director Cyber Strategy Advisory, Deloitte Romania
Sergiu joined cyber security domain more than 20 years ago, having various roles like security engineer, CISO, trainer and cyber strategy advisor for organizations from multiple sectors, including defense, telco, manufacturing, banking, insurance, or retail, currently leading the Cyber Strategy Advisory unit of Deloitte Romania.
Member of various groups of experts during his career, like NATO technical groups, Business Continuity Management and Crisis Management groups of excellence, or as Cyber Security Task Force Leader in ANIS (Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry), Sergiu benefited from the best environments for innovation and creativity on cyber security topics.
He has a master’s degree and a merit diploma in IT Security from the Military Technical Academy of Bucharest and is preparing the PhD with the aim of improving application security review using natural language processing methods.
Vicentiu Corbu
KIM Solutions for Process Automation
Partners’ Speakers
Vlad Doicaru
Public Affairs Director
and Vice-president of
Huawei Romania - "Zero Trust" by Design