- November 22, 2022
Finance & Banking
- Bucharest, Romanian National Institute of Statistics & online
With the support of
Opening speech
Tudorel Andrei,
President of the
National Institute of Statistics
Florentina Almăjanu
Managing Director
CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu, Managing Director, CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu has over 25 years of experience in leading and representing financial professional associations, successfully coordinating public affairs, PR and advocacy campaigns.
Florentina leads as Managing Director CFA Society Romania, member society of CFA Institute, the global association offering the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, one of the most prestigious certifications among finance professionals.
Due to her perseverance and determination, Florentina actively contributes in growing and increasing the awareness of CFA Society Romania and its projects. In the last four years, the society has improved the communication and advocacy strategy, by revising the ongoing projects such as the Macroeconomic Confidence Index, new projects such as the financial education campaign "Generation I - The Financial Independent Generation" or "CFA Ambassadors", an university outreach program for Romania and Moldova.
"Generation I" will be an extensive financial education campaign that aims to create a sustainable impact in the Romanian society. Coordinating the flagship events of CFA Society Romania such as "CFA Forecast Dinner", "Future of Capital Markets in CEE" or "Women in Investment Management" represent one of Florentina's challenges. The regional events aim to improve the financial markets from CEE countries and not only. The prompt actions and mass media communication regarding the Romanian private pension system led to the award of the special prize "Supporting of the Private Pension System" granted by XPRIMM.
In over 20 years while she led the National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania (UNSAR), Florentina Almajanu had an important role in obtaining tax deductibility for private health insurance and several other major legislative changes in the field of insurance as well to increase the association's notoriety and credibility. Recognition also came from the fact that UNSAR won the Golden Award for Excellence at the Romanian PR Award 2016, Public Affairs category, Advocacy, Lobby with the Campaign "The Future of the Healthcare System Starts Now".
Graduate of the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Faculty of Power Engineering, Nuclear Energy Specialization with a Master's degree in Finance and Insurance at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, and a scholarship at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, specializing in the "Health and Pension Risk Management Fund" , Florentina has improved her communication, representation and public speaking skills through various courses at the National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "I. L. Caragiale ", trainings in public affairs and advocacy and training sessions organized by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art - RADA for Business.
Panel I
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Part I
Anca Dana
Member of the Romanian Senate
Minister of
Public Finance
November 2015 –
January 2017
Ӧmer Tetik
Banca Transilvania
Profil Ӧmer Tetik, Director General, Banca Transilvania
Ömer Tetik este CEO al Băncii Transilvania din 2013. Sub coordonarea sa, BT a ajuns cea mai mare bancă din România și din Sud-Estul Europei. Este membru al Consiliului de Administrație al BT Capital Partners și membru al Comitetului Reprezentanților la Fondul Proprietatea. Este un susținător puternic al dezvoltării pieței de capital din România. Are peste 20 de ani de experiență în banking, în România, Rusia și Turcia.
Şi-a început cariera la ATA Securities, în Turcia (Izmir), iar un an mai târziu a plecat la Istanbul pentru a face parte din echipa trezorerie a Finansbank. În 1997 s-a mutat în Rusia pentru poziția de coordonator al Departamentului Trezorerie și Piața de Capital din cadrul Finansbank Moscova. Pasul spre România l-a facut în 2000, când aceeași bancă i-a acordat o noua misiune, și anume funcția de vicepreședinte adjunct. După zece ani a devenit vicepreședinte și, ulterior, președinte al Credit Europe Bank, fosta Finansbank.
S-a născut în Hamburg, în Germania, într-o familie din diaspora turcă. A studiat în Turcia și a absolvit profilul economic la Universitatea Tehnică Middle East
Este cetățean român, căsătorit și are trei copii. Îi place să petreacă timpul cu familia, să se joace Lego cu copiii, să citească și să cânte la instrumente de percuție. Este pasionat de motociclete și de orice e legat de vară și de sporturile nautice.
Florian Neagu
Deputy Director of the
Financial Stability Department
within the National Bank of Romania
Mr Florian Neagu is the Deputy Director of the Financial Stability Department within the National
Bank of Romania. He has been working in the central bank for the last 20 years, in several
departments dealing with regulation of credit institutions, international relations and
macroprudential policy. Mr Neagu is member of different bodies of the European Systemic Risk
Board. He holds a PhD in Finace and is Associate Professor at Bucharest University of Economic
Ştefan Daniel
Vice President of The
Florin Dănescu
Executive President
Romanian Association of Banks
Florin Dănescu
Executive President
Romanian Association of Banks
Mr. Danescu has over 25 years' experience in the banking and financial services industry. He
holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Academy of Economic Sciences and earned
his EMBA from WU Executive Academy.
Mr. Danescu began his career in 1995 with the Ministry of Finance, working in financial
relationship area with International Financial Institutions. In 1996, he “embraced the treasury
activity” and became the Head of Money Market Foreign Exchange Department with a big stateowned bank.
In 2000, he joined a small privately-owned bank as Head of Treasury Division, later becoming
the First Vice President.
In 2008, he became the Executive President of the bank, making him one of the youngest bank
presidents in the country.
In 2011, the Romanian banking community has chosen Mr. Florin Danescu as the new
Executive President of the Romanian Association of Banks.
Since 2011, Mr. Florin Dănescu is the Romanian Association of Banks’s representative in the
Executive Committee of the European Banking Federation.
Ionuț Dumitru,
Raiffeisen Bank Romania
Adrian Mitroi
University of Economic Studies
Part II
Ioana Petrescu
Minister of
Public Finance
March 2014 –
December 2014
Ioana Petrescu is a Senior Fellow at the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government and the President of Simply Green, a Romanian environmental NGO. Dr. Petrescu is a former Romanian Finance Minister. While minister, she pursued policies to cut tax evasion and tax avoidance, promote financial transparency, improve tax compliance, lower the tax burden for businesses and keep fiscal discipline. She also served in the government as an economic adviser to the prime minister and head of his delivery unit, where she monitored the implementation of the prime minister’s priorities in procurement, employment, energy and tax compliance. She is an international consultant on issues such as tax reform, central government delivery and local public services and runs the Center for Leadership and Innovation at the National School of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest. In the past, she also served as an expert for the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. She was an Assistant Professor at University of Maryland and she holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard. She published in various academic journals and newspapers. Her 2017 book, Essays in Taxation and International Relations, analyzes issues such as flat taxation and government revenues. Ioana’s research project, Making Public Policy in Adolescent Democracies: Paths to Adulthood, explores good practices in the delivery of public goods and services in new democracies characterized by corruption and clientelism, low paid bureaucrats, poor institutions, frequent political turnover, unclear legislation, and little transparency.
Minister of
Public Finance
April 2007 –
December 2008
Ionuţ Mişa
Minister of
Public Finance
June 2017 –
January 2018
Minister of
Public Finance
December 2020 –
July 2021
Minister of
Public Finance
September 2010 -
February 2012
Panel II
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Stere Farmache,
Member of the
Executive Board FRC
Viorel Manole
Executive Director
Curriculum vitae of: M.Sc.(Aviation) Viorel MANOLE
Executive Director PATROMIL
Tel./Fax + 4021 3171969
Email . viorel.manole@patromil.ro
Personal Info:
- 14.03.1962 - born in Galati, Romania
- married , 2 children
• the Aircraft Faculty of Bucharest, daily courses – graduation year 1986,
Diploma of engineer (10 from max. 10);
• Master studies (MBA equivalent) at the National School of Civil Aviation ,
Toulouse, France, graduation in 1997, diploma ‘’MASTERE in ‘’Exploitation
• graduated in July 1998 from the Dayton-Ohio –USA courses in “Security
Assistance Management-Foreign Purchaser”;
• Graduated the National College of Defense – Special award granted by the National College of Defense Foundation in December 2000.
• graduated in 1996 from the courses Foreign Military Sales organized by the
Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management, USA;
• graduated in 1980 from the High School of Mathematics and Physics Matei
Basarab in Bucharest (9.67 from max. 10),
Co-author of the book entitled “Quality Manual for Service Suppliers”and
“ Management of Continuous Improvement” and of many articles in this
specialized field published in Romania and abroad.
Expert in Companies Evaluation – member of CECAR since 2004
Expert in Public Acquisitions since 2008
Disputes Mediator - 2010
2009 – to date – Executive Director PATROMIL
2011 - personal advisor to the C.N. ROMARM ` s CEO
2007 -2009 - Executive director Romanian Lottery (coordinate and manage all
Resources, strategies and Policies).
2005 -2007 - Senior Vice-President and Member of the Board UTI GROUP (one of
the most famous companies in Security, IT&C, Facility Management,
Constructions) – Romanian and American share holders.
2006 -2008 - Member of Research and Technology Board of NATO (representing the
whole Romanian Industry of Defense)
2004 -2005 - President of The Romanian Aeronautical Industry Body of
Employers Association OPIAR
2002 - 2008 - prime vice-president of the Defense Industry Body of Employers
Association PATROMIL
1998 - 2002 - member of AFCEA –USA
2003 - 2005 - President & CEO of ROMAERO SA (first Romanian Aeronautical
Company and most famous in the region 1500 employees)
2001 - 2003 - Strategy & Restructuring Director of the National Company
ROMARM SA (most important Company in the Romanian Industry of
Defense, 22 branches, 42.000 employees)
2000 - 2001 - Commercial Director of the State Owned Company ROMARM S.A.
1986 - 2000 - developing career in Romanian Ministry of Defense (within the 0.1% of
Civilian in top management positions)
- Deputy Director of the R&D Directorate within the Procurement
- Expert engineer in the R&D Directorate of the
Procurement Department, in charge of the activities connected
with the R Program
- Aerofina , Bucharest engineer within the commission of
military representatives (in charge of Quality Control)
- U. Elm. Ploiesti ( of MoD ) Resident Engineer (missile design
& production )
1996 - 2001 - Secretary of the Scientific Research Council for Military
Engineering (Joint Body)
- Director of the first two editions of the International Exhibition
for military technique in Romania, EXPOMIL’ 99 and 2001
- Vice-President of no.17 Defense Commission within the National
Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
- Deputy Editor – of the Tehnica Militara Bulletin
- AIRBUS INDUSTRIES-Toulouse, training in Contract Management
and Marketing
Prof. eng.
Ionuț Purica
Member at
Prime Minister’s
Advisory Council for
Florentina Almăjanu
Managing Director
CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu, Managing Director, CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu has over 25 years of experience in leading and representing financial professional associations, successfully coordinating public affairs, PR and advocacy campaigns.
Florentina leads as Managing Director CFA Society Romania, member society of CFA Institute, the global association offering the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, one of the most prestigious certifications among finance professionals.
Due to her perseverance and determination, Florentina actively contributes in growing and increasing the awareness of CFA Society Romania and its projects. In the last four years, the society has improved the communication and advocacy strategy, by revising the ongoing projects such as the Macroeconomic Confidence Index, new projects such as the financial education campaign "Generation I - The Financial Independent Generation" or "CFA Ambassadors", an university outreach program for Romania and Moldova.
"Generation I" will be an extensive financial education campaign that aims to create a sustainable impact in the Romanian society. Coordinating the flagship events of CFA Society Romania such as "CFA Forecast Dinner", "Future of Capital Markets in CEE" or "Women in Investment Management" represent one of Florentina's challenges. The regional events aim to improve the financial markets from CEE countries and not only. The prompt actions and mass media communication regarding the Romanian private pension system led to the award of the special prize "Supporting of the Private Pension System" granted by XPRIMM.
In over 20 years while she led the National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania (UNSAR), Florentina Almajanu had an important role in obtaining tax deductibility for private health insurance and several other major legislative changes in the field of insurance as well to increase the association's notoriety and credibility. Recognition also came from the fact that UNSAR won the Golden Award for Excellence at the Romanian PR Award 2016, Public Affairs category, Advocacy, Lobby with the Campaign "The Future of the Healthcare System Starts Now".
Graduate of the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Faculty of Power Engineering, Nuclear Energy Specialization with a Master's degree in Finance and Insurance at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, and a scholarship at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, specializing in the "Health and Pension Risk Management Fund" , Florentina has improved her communication, representation and public speaking skills through various courses at the National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "I. L. Caragiale ", trainings in public affairs and advocacy and training sessions organized by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art - RADA for Business.