With the support of
- May 16, 2023
- 10:00 a.m.
Finance & Banking
- the Romanian Senate - Avram Iancu Hall & Online
Keynote speech
Lara Tassan Zanin
Head of the European
Investment Bank Group
Representation in Romania
Panel I
Dan Costin Nițescu
Senior Advisor to the
Governor, National Bank
of Romania
Professor, PhD. Money and
Banking Department,
Faculty of Finance and
Banking, Bucharest
University of Economic Studies
Florin Dănescu
Executive President
Romanian Association
of Banks
Florin Dănescu
Executive President
Romanian Association of Banks
Mr. Danescu has over 25 years' experience in the banking and financial services industry. He
holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Academy of Economic Sciences and earned
his EMBA from WU Executive Academy.
Mr. Danescu began his career in 1995 with the Ministry of Finance, working in financial
relationship area with International Financial Institutions. In 1996, he “embraced the treasury
activity” and became the Head of Money Market Foreign Exchange Department with a big stateowned bank.
In 2000, he joined a small privately-owned bank as Head of Treasury Division, later becoming
the First Vice President.
In 2008, he became the Executive President of the bank, making him one of the youngest bank
presidents in the country.
In 2011, the Romanian banking community has chosen Mr. Florin Danescu as the new
Executive President of the Romanian Association of Banks.
Since 2011, Mr. Florin Dănescu is the Romanian Association of Banks’s representative in the
Executive Committee of the European Banking Federation.
Cosmin Călin
Executive Director
Large Corporates
Banca Transilvania
Cosmin Călin
“ With almost 25 years’ experience in Corporate Banking both in Romania as well as in SEE, Cosmin Calin for the last 5 years coordinates the Large Corporate, Structured & Project Finance and Factorings areas in Banca Transilvania in his role of Executive Director. Prior joining Banca Transilvania, he had top management roles in Corporate Banking with National Bank of Greece and Banc Post.
He holds an Executive MBA in Investment Banking with INDE – Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers “
Maria Rousseva
Deputy CEO
Global Corporates,
Maria Koytcheva ROUSSEVA
Deputy CEO Global Corporates
Member of the Management Committee
Born on April 24, 1972
Residence in Romania
Mrs. Maria Koytcheva ROUSSEVA is a graduate of University of National and World Economy,
Sofia, Bulgaria, specialization International Economic Relations and she has a master’s degree
from Leipzig University, Germany, specialization Business studies.
She is a person with 23 years experience in banking field over which 20 years in management
positions such as: Head of Multinational Corporates at HVB Bank Biochim, Bulgaria (April 2002
– October 2005); Head of Corporate and Investment Banking at Societe Generale Expressbank,
Bulgaria (November 2005 – October 2011); Deputy CEO/ Deputy Chairman of the Management
Board, Head of Corporate and Financial Markets at Societe Generale Expressbank, Bulgaria
(November 2012 – June 2015); CEO/ Chairman of the Executive Board at Societe Generale Bank
Serbia (July 2015 – July 2019); Member of the Supervisory Board at Ohridska Banka, Societe
Generale Group (February 2012 – December 2019); Member of the Board of Directors at SKB
Banka Slovenia, Societe Generale Group (May 2018 – December 2019), Member of the Board of
Directors at Rusfinance Bank LLC, Rosbank Group (August 27, 2019 -March 1st, 2021), First
Deputy CEO/ First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board at PJSC Rosbank, Societe
Generale Group (August 21, 2019 - Aprilie 29, 2022), Member of the Board of Directors of Societe
Generale Insurance LLC and Societe Generale Life Insurance LLC (September 18, 2019 – May 31,
From July 26, 2021 to June 9, 2022 she was Member of the Board of Directors of BRD-Groupe
Société Générale S.A.
Since October 4, 2022, she holds the position of Deputy CEO Global Corporates.
Stefano Gaetano Amoroso
Italian Desk Coordinator,
International Center Support
UniCredit Bank
Short bio
Stefano Gaetano Amoroso
Stefano Gaetano Amoroso is Italian Desk Coordinator in the Corporate Division of UniCredit Bank in Romania since 2021, coordinating the Bank’s commercial activities particularly in relation to Italian Corporates, as well as of Corporates of French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Israeli, Cypriot, Maltese and Gibraltarian origins. With 10 years of experience in the banking sector in Romania, especially in the Corporate segment, he has been actively involved in cross-border business development, with a strong focus on banking solutions dedicated to multinational and internationalizing companies. Before moving to Romania, he activated in the International Development Cooperation field, collaborating with the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and various Italian NGOs, in Togo, Burkina Faso and Jordan. He holds an Undergraduate Degree in Management of Public Administration and International Institutions from Bocconi University in Milan, a Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions from Bocconi University in Milan, and a Master of Science in International Affairs from Sciences-Po Paris.
Petre Tulin
General Director
Bank Deposit Guarantee
Fund (FGDB)
Panel II - Former Public Finance Ministers Crisis Vision
Anca Dana
Minister of
Public Finance
November 2015 –
January 2017
Minister of
Public Finance
December 2020 –
July 2021
Florin Cîțu
Minister of
Public Finance
November 2019 -
December 2020
Minister of
Public Finance
September 2010 -
February 2012
Ionuţ Mişa
Minister of
Public Finance
June 2017 –
January 2018
Minister of
Public Finance
April 2007 –
December 2008
Panel III
Corneliu Cojocaru
Senior Adviser
Liviu Șerban
Member of the Steering
Committee and
Vice-President of the
Leasing Council of
Association of Financial
Companies in Romania
Director General of
Idea Leasing IFN S.A
Bio EN Liviu Serban - Vice President ALB, Managing Director Idea Leasing IFN SA
With a vast experience, of over 20 years, in the car and leasing industry, Mr. Liviu Serban is Managing Director of the leasing company Idea Leasing IFN SA and the Vice President of the Romania Leasing Association (ALB) – currently at his second mandate.
Liviu Serban is part of the managing team of Idea Leasing for over 14 years now and is passionate about “growing” those people with whom he works day after day by his side. For achieving the expected result, his team works continuously to improve by integrating automatic processes in business in order to follow its shareholder’s strategy - Banca Transilvania Group.
Her speaks English, German and Italian and is also passionate about his personal and professional development. He also holds since 2014 an Executive MBA, program offered by WU Executive Academy Vienna – University of Economics and Business.
Mihai Tecău
MIHAI TECĂU – President of the Managing Board, CEO, OMNIASIG Vienna Insurance Group
He has held this position since 2012, after the merger between BCR Asigurări and the former OMNIASIG. Previously, he was for six years President of the Managing Board of BCR Asigurări Vienna Insurance Group, and before 2006 he held several management positions within the former Insurance Supervisory Commission (CSA).
From the CEO position, Mihai Tecău coordinates the OMNIASIG team and business, pursuing a main principle of the company, namely to provide customers and partners with products and services at the highest level of quality. At the same time, one of the long-term strategic goals is for OMNIASIG to bring, constantly and responsibly, a positive impact as strong as possible in the society and in the communities where the company operates.
His academic background includes, among others, the Technical University of Constructions in Bucharest, an MBA in Financial Institution Management at HEC Montreal, and the "Leadership Development" program at the IEDC Bled School of Management.
Conf. Univ.
Alexandru Bodislav
Managing Partner
Bodislav & Associates
Dragoș Onescu
ODASGlobal Consulting
Mirela Iovu
President of
Dr. Mirela Iovu, MBA, ICAPP
Bancher de mai bine de 27 ani, membru marcant al unor echipe de conducere a unor banci de top, Mirela Iovu a contribuit, semnificativ, in ultimii 16 ani, in calitate de vicepresedinte, la procesul de transformare a celei mai vechi institutii financiare din Romania – Casa de Economii si Consemnatiuni C.E.C. - intr-o banca comerciala, universala – CEC Bank- avand un rol esential in crearea unei culturi organizationale adecvate realizarii noii strategii de afaceri, in implementarea cadrului de guvernanta corporativa conform celor mai bune practici internationale, in dezvoltarea sistemului de control intern. A pus bazele functiei de conformitate (august 2007), a eficientizat si centralizat serviciile juridice ale bancii, (2008), a alcatuit echipa de experti in accesarea de fonduri si programe guvernamentale, la nivel central si in reteaua de unitati teritoriale (2010), a infiintat si dezvoltat “laboratorul” de produse si servicii bancare (2010), construind ”pilonii” de transformare digitala, prin elaborarea primei strategii digitale a bancii (2017).
Mirela Iovu este Doctor in Drept, la Facultatea de Drept, Bucuresti, fiind licentiata in stiinte juridice la Facultatea de Drept din cadrul Universitatii “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu. De asemenea, este Master of Business Administration (MBA) de la CUS, SUA si a obtinut o diploma postuniversitara de profesionist in Guvernanta, Risc si Conformitate - ICA Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance - de la International Compliance Association (ICA) in cooperare cu Manchester Business School, specializandu-se si in politici de incluziune financiara la Harvard Kennedy School.
Mirela Iovu este din 2019 Presedintele Asociatiei Consilierilor Juridici din Sistemul Financiar-Bancar precum si membru al multor altor asociatii si grupuri think-tank profesionale si din industria financiar-bancar, atat la nivel national cat si international.
A banker for more than 27 years, a prominent member of the management teams of some top banks, Mirela Iovu contributed significantly, in the last 16 years, as Deputy CEO, to the transformation process of the oldest financial institutions in Romania. – House of Savings and Deposits C.E.C. - in a commercial, universal bank - CEC Bank - having an essential role in creating an organizational culture suitable for the realization of the new business strategy, in the implementation of the corporate governance framework according to the best international practices, in the creation of the internal control system. He laid the foundations for compliance functions (August 2007), streamlined and centralized the bank's legal services, (2008), formed the team of experts in accessing government funds and programs, at the central level and in the network of territorial units (2010), founded and developed the "laboratory" of banking products and services (2010), building the "pillars" of digital transformation, by developing the bank's first digital strategy (2017).
Mirela Iovu is a Doctor of Law, at the Faculty of Law, Bucharest, having a degree in legal sciences at the Faculty of Law of the "Lucian Blaga" University in Sibiu. She obtained also an MBA Diploma from CUS, USA and a professional postgraduate diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance - ICA Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance - from the International Compliance Association (ICA) in cooperation with Manchester Business School, In addition she is an certified expert in financial inclusion policies at Harvard Kennedy School.
Since 2019, Mirela Iovu is the President of the Association of Legal Advisors in the Financial-Banking System as well as a member of many other associations and professional think-tank groups in the financial-banking industry, both nationally and internationally.
Florentina Almăjanu
Managing Director
CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu, Managing Director, CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu has over 25 years of experience in leading and representing financial professional associations, successfully coordinating public affairs, PR and advocacy campaigns.
Florentina leads as Managing Director CFA Society Romania, member society of CFA Institute, the global association offering the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, one of the most prestigious certifications among finance professionals.
Due to her perseverance and determination, Florentina actively contributes in growing and increasing the awareness of CFA Society Romania and its projects. In the last four years, the society has improved the communication and advocacy strategy, by revising the ongoing projects such as the Macroeconomic Confidence Index, new projects such as the financial education campaign "Generation I - The Financial Independent Generation" or "CFA Ambassadors", an university outreach program for Romania and Moldova.
"Generation I" will be an extensive financial education campaign that aims to create a sustainable impact in the Romanian society. Coordinating the flagship events of CFA Society Romania such as "CFA Forecast Dinner", "Future of Capital Markets in CEE" or "Women in Investment Management" represent one of Florentina's challenges. The regional events aim to improve the financial markets from CEE countries and not only. The prompt actions and mass media communication regarding the Romanian private pension system led to the award of the special prize "Supporting of the Private Pension System" granted by XPRIMM.
In over 20 years while she led the National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania (UNSAR), Florentina Almajanu had an important role in obtaining tax deductibility for private health insurance and several other major legislative changes in the field of insurance as well to increase the association's notoriety and credibility. Recognition also came from the fact that UNSAR won the Golden Award for Excellence at the Romanian PR Award 2016, Public Affairs category, Advocacy, Lobby with the Campaign "The Future of the Healthcare System Starts Now".
Graduate of the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Faculty of Power Engineering, Nuclear Energy Specialization with a Master's degree in Finance and Insurance at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, and a scholarship at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, specializing in the "Health and Pension Risk Management Fund" , Florentina has improved her communication, representation and public speaking skills through various courses at the National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "I. L. Caragiale ", trainings in public affairs and advocacy and training sessions organized by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art - RADA for Business.
Assoc. Prof.
Radu Ciobanu