With the support of
- May 25, 2023
- 10:00 a.m.
Digitalization & Cyber Security
- Romanian Senate – Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security & Online
Cristian Șelaru
National Institute
of Statistics
Nicoleta Pauliuc
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Defence, Public
Order and
National Security
Dragoș-Cristian Vlad
Authority for Digitalization
of Romania
Maria-Manuela Catrina
Deputy Director for the
Romanian National
Cyber Security
Cristin Nicolae Popa
Monitoring and
Executive Division
Ciprian Teleman
Minister of Research,
Innovation and
December 2020 -
September 2021
C.-L. Preda
State Secretary for
Telecom 2020-2021
CEO RADIOCOM 2021-2022
Brigadier General
Maxim Dobrinoiu
Head of the
Internal Security Division
Brigadier General Maxim DOBRINOIU
Born in 1973, he is a BSc graduate of System Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of the Bucharest Polytechnical University (1996), and a BA graduate of the Law Faculty with Mihai Viteazul University in Craiova (2002). He holds a PhD in Cybercrime from the Romanian Police Academy in Bucharest (2005).
Maxim Dobrinoiu joined the Special Telecommunications Service in 2006, and has been serving in various operational and management positions to the present. As from 2018, he is heading the Internal Security Division. He also holds the position of Security Liaison Officer for the protection of national critical infrastructures for STS, and since 2010 he has participated in the creation and implementation of the legal framework for the protection of national critical infrastructures, as well as in the field of cybersecurity. He has expertise in risk management, cyber threat analysis, information security management systems, and IT law.
Maxim Dobrinoiu is also a cybercrime researcher and Associate Professor with the Faculty of Law, Nicolae Titulescu University, and visiting professor with the Military Technical Academy, where he lectures on Cybercrime and Cybersecurity topics. He is author of numerous scientific articles on Cybercrime, and participated as expert in few national and international Cybercrime or Cybersecurity related projects.
Maxim Dobrinoiu has been awarded with the Order of Manhood and Faith in the ranks of Officer (2021) and Knight (2017).
Yugo Neumorni
President CIOCouncil
Adina Grosu
Cyber Security and
Privacy Officer of
Huawei Romania
Adina Grosu is the Cyber Security and Privacy Officer of Huawei Romania. Her activity covers all aspects of cybersecurity and privacy compliance that must be followed within the company. Among the important challenges that her job entails is the effort to ensure the cooperation of the technical and business teams when it comes to the application of the internal or external cybersecurity and privacy regulations in the company's activities. The in-house experience, following that of an external consultant lawyer, demonstrated to Adina that the success of a compliance program depends primarily on the cooperation of the organization's members. So, in order to ensure the overall compliance of the company, Adina has implemented various cybersecurity and privacy programs, simulations of security incidents and investigations of the supervisory authorities, training programs, as well as other methods of motivating and involving the employees.
Toma Cîmpeanu
National Association
for Information
Systems Security
Sergiu Zaharia
Cyber Strategy Advisory,
Deloitte Romania
Bogdan Tudor
StarTech Team
(Class ITGroup)
Bogdan Panait
CEO & founder Lexdata