With the support of
- May 25, 2023
- 10:00 a.m.
- Chamber of Deputies - Committee for Youth and Sports & Online

Anamaria Diaconescu
Director at
Hellenic Romanian
Chamber of Commerce
Cristina Bombeanu
Marketing Manager of
Top Line
Cristina Bombeanu, Marketing Manager Top Line
Cristina Bombeanu este Marketing Manager al Top Line, compania lider în România în distribuția de aparatură și produse de beauty profesionale și soluții complete pentru dezvoltarea și susținerea business-urilor în acest domeniu. Top Line este, de 27 de ani, distributorul celor mai renumite branduri profesionale de beauty, precum Moroccanoil, Babor, Guinot, Joico, Academie, Kevin.Murphy sau CND și a susținut business-uri și generații întregi de specialiști în domeniul frumuseții profesionale.
Cristina Bombeanu coordonează campaniile de marketing ale companiei, dezvoltând strategii B2B și B2C pentru promovarea produselor și serviciilor acesteia, conform politicii brandurilor pe care le reprezintă. Cristina consideră că frumusețea acestui domeniu pornește tocmai din faptul că, fiecare dintre noi fiind diferit și având nevoi diferite, de aici apare frumoasa provocare de a le oferi tututor soluții personalizate de frumusețe, care să îi ajute să capete, la rândul lor, o mai mare încredere în forțele proprii și a deveni, la rândul lor, o sursă de inspirație pentru cei din jur.
Cristina Bombeanu, Marketing Manager of Top Line
Cristina Bombeanu is the Marketing Manager of Top Line, the leading company in Romania in Romania in the distribution of equipment and professional beauty products and complete solutions for the development and support of businesses in this field.
In the last 27 years, Top Line has been the distributor of the most renowned professional beauty brands such as Moroccanoil, Babor, Guinot, Joico, Academie, Kevin.Murphy, or CND and has supported businesses and entire generations of professionals in the beauty industry.
Cristina Bombeanu coordinates the company's marketing campaigns, developing B2B and B2C strategies for promoting its products and services, according to the policies of the brands it represents.
Cristina believes that the beauty of this industry comes precisely from the fact that each of us is different and has different needs, and from here comes the beautiful challenge of offering personalized beauty solutions to everyone, which helps them gain greater confidence in their own abilities and become a source of inspiration for others.
Andreea Altay
Co-founder of the
Anastasia Beverly Hills
franchise in Romania
Mădălina Ulmeanu
Founder of
Natural Paris
Mădălina Ulmeanu, founder of Natural Paris
Passionate about plants since childhood, she devoted herself to the study of Aromatherapy and Phytotherapy in order to help as many people as possible to discover and benefit from their benefits and therapeutic properties. She is licensed in Aromatherapy and Phytotherapy at the Sorbonne- Paris Nord University of Medicine.
Her studies allowed her to use herbal medicine and aromatic plants in various galenic forms, but also to make them known, to recommend them and to make scientific aromatherapy known in Romania, being one of our pioneers in the field of these complementary medicines.
Madalina offers consultations based on herbal medicine and aromatic plants (essential oils) in her Aromatherapy and Phytotherapy practice in sector 1, Bucharest.
She regularly intervenes in the training of health professionals as well as other people outside the medical corps. She is in contact with numerous distributors of essential oils, with people requesting information, with organic stores, pharmacies and with the large selective distribution.
She participates and documents herself in professional international congresses (Phyt'Arom, Botanica, etc.) and not only, being up to date with the latest news in the field of clinical Aromatherapy-Phytotherapy as a practitioner.
Thus, the presentation and transmission of good practices allowed her to successfully achieve this professional challenge: to make scientific aromatherapy known in Romania.
She contributed to the popularization of Aromatherapy in Romania by creating the preface, translation and publication on the Romanian market in March 2021, of the volume LE GRAND GUIDE DES HUILES ESSENTIELLES (Marele Ghid de uleiuri esentiale) by Dr. Fabienne Millet, Curtea Veche publishing house, a work that is a success in Romania- being at the 3rd draw.
She is currently working on an Aromatherapy & Phytotherapy book for children (from newborns to teenagers).
She is the founder of NATURAL PARIS, a company dealing since 2006 with the exclusive selling and distribution in large distribution and retail of 10 French brands of ECO & organic cosmetics, essential oils and herbal food supplements.
All these products are COSMOS ORGANIC certified by Ecocert France.
Mădălina Ulmeanu - fondatoarea NATURAL PARIS
Pasionata de plante inca din copilarie, s-a dedicat studiului aromaterapiei si fitoterapiei pentru a ajuta cat mai multi oameni sa descopere si sa beneficieze de binefacerile si de proprietatile terapeutice ale acestora. Este licentiata in Aromaterapie si Fitoterapie la Universitatea de Medicina Sorbona- Paris Nord.
Studiile i-au permis sa foloseasca plantele madicinale si aromatice sub diverse forme galenice dar si sa le faca cunoscute, sa le recomande si sa faca cunoscuta aromaterapia stiintifica in Romania, fiind unul dintre pionierii de la noi in domeniul acestor medicine complementare.
Madalina ofera si asigura consultatii pe baza de plante medicinale si aromatice in cabinetul de Aromaterapie si Fitoterapie din sector 1 Bucuresti.
Intervine regulat in formarea profesionistilor din domeniul sanatatii dar si a altor persoane din afara corpului medical. Este in contact cu numerosi distribuitori de uleiuri esentiale, cu persoane care solicita informatii, cu magazine BIO, farmacii si cu marea distributie selectiva.
Participa si se documenteaza in cadrul congreselor internationale de profil (Phyt’Arom, Botanica, etc ) si nu numai, fiind la curent cu ultimele noutati in materie de aromaterapie-fitoterapie clinica in calitate de practician.
Astfel prezentarea si transmiterea bunelor practici i-au permis sa realizeze cu succes aceasta provocare profesionala: sa faca cunoscuta aromaterapia stiintifica in Romania.
A contribuit la popularizarea Aromaterapiei in Romania prin realizarea prefatei, traducerea si publicarea pe piata romaneasca in martie 2021, a volumului MARELE GHID DE ULEIURI ESENTIALE de dr. Fabienne Millet, editura Curtea Veche, lucrare care este un succes in Romania fiind la al 3 lea tiraj.
In prezent lucreaza o carte de Aromaterapie & Fitoterapie pentru copii (de la nou nascuti pana la adolescenti).
Este fondatoarea NATURAL PARIS, societate ce se ocupa din 2006 cu comercializarea in exclusivitate si distributia in marea distributie dar si in retail a 10 branduri frantuzesti de cosmetice ECO, uleiuri esentiale si suplimente alimentare din plante. Toate aceste produse sunt certificate COSMOS ORGANIC de Ecocert Franta.
Nicoleta Piciorea
Senior Brand Manager
for the OTCDivision
Diana Kerpician
The Clinic Of Pure Beauty