With the support of
- 15 November, 2023
- 10:00 a.m.
Agriculture and Food Industry
Management of Agricultural Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change
- Online
Cristian Șelaru
National Institute
of Statistics
Adrian-Ionuț Chesnoiu
Chair of the
Committee for Agriculture,
Food Industry and
Specific Services of the
Chamber of Deputies
Adrian Pintea
State Secretary
in the Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Development
Nicolae Istudor
Bucharest University
of Economic Studies
Bogdan Bazgă
Counsellor for
European Affairs within the
Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Development
and National Coordinator
Veronica Baciu
General Director of the
National Agency for
Mountain Area
Bibiana Stanciulov
General Manager
Radu Timiș Junior
General Manager
Cris-Tim Group
Marius Tatu
TMC EcoAgriculture
Marius TATU is currently the AerIAAgri project manager, currently the only operator in Romania authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Authority to carry out service activities with the help of agricultural drones according to the rules in force.
Everything that is now is the result of years of work in top televisions in Romania, where he learned how important it is to respect time more than ever. He entered the world of television in 2006 and spent 14 years in the alert atmosphere, full of energy, as an image editor at the highest standards in the industry alongside professionals, people who built televisions or who put shows in the top of the audience. He built his own company in the field of video editing using drones, complete production teams, editing with high-performance software.
The increasing use of technology made him in 2021 unite the two fields, technology and agriculture, a childhood love, by founding a new company that offered farmers a lesser-known and relatively new service in agriculture here, but very useful and accessible: spraying with drones and decided to purchase the first drones in order to operate them for the treatment of agricultural crops with phytosanitary treatments.
In September 2022, during the Turkey - Romania Conference with the theme: "Local development and strategic planning of localities", together with the coordinator of the event Hayri Cavusoglu, the adviser of the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Florian Dudu, the President of the Romanian Public Services Association, had the pleasure of to talk to the guests from the business and agriculture environment of the Aydin region, the officials from the Chamber of Commerce, the Prefecture and the Municipality of Kusadasi, about the new technology of spraying and treating crops by means of agricultural drones that gives farmers the opportunity to increase their efficiency and potential agricultural.
Starting from May 1, the services offered have entered a new stage through an association with the company Active Interventions in the Atmosphere (IAA) and the renaming of AerIAAgri, with this change, being more specialists in the team coordinated by it, with a national coverage and more equipment for interventions.
He believes that technology plays a revolutionary role in the field of agriculture and through AerIAAgri, aims to be the reliable partner of farmers in agricultural solutions with drones, regardless of your location, with quality services and expertise, promptness, to support in the development of the agricultural business .
Bogdan Negrescu
Business development
Bogdan Negrescu
Business development manager Turma
De meserie inginer zootehnist specializat in nutritie animală si clasificarea carcaselor cu studii postuniversitare in biologia reproductiei si optimizarea tehnologiilor de crestere la taurine, pasionat de gatitul vitei prin metodele low and slow si barbeque.