Bucharest Leaders’ Summit:
The Highway to Success
Speakers 6 November

With the support of

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Stema Statului Major al Fortelor Aeriene
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Official Opening

big nicolae – ionel ciuca

Nicolae-Ionel CIUCĂ
of Romania Senate

Diana FOTO 2 e1660897660198

Diana-Loreta Păun, Assoc. Prof., MD,
Presidential Adviser -
Department of
Public Health

laszlo borbely e1660897587374

László Borbély
State Advisor, Coordinator of the
Department for Sustainable Development

Dragos Pislaru Chair 1 e1698146524438

Dragoș Pîslaru
Chair of the Committee
on Employment
and Social Affairs
European Parliament

Iuliu Winkler

Iuliu Winkler
of the Committee
on International Trade
European Parliament

Janusz Wojciechowski

Janusz Wojciechowski
European Commissioner for

Oliver Varhelyi

Olivér Várhelyi
Commissioner for
Neighbourhood and

nicoleta pauliuc 1 e1647253027196

Nicoleta Pauliuc
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Defence, Public
Order and
National Security

anca dragu rotated e1647360239117

Anca Dana Dragu
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Cults and Minorities

Titus Corlatean e1699255861291

Titus Corlățean
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Foreign Policy

Dinica Silvia Monica e1661761875552

Silvia-Monica Dinica
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Science, Innovation and Technology

Lorant Antal

Lóránt Antal
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Mineral Resources

Anastase Roberta Alma scaled e1699256236929

Roberta Alma Anastase
Delegation of the
Parliament of Romania to
the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Black Sea
Economic Cooperation

rozalia biro e1686549966175

Rozália Ibolya Biró
Chair of the
Committee for Foreign
Policy if the
Chamber of Deputies

Oana Toiu e1683545465438

Oana-Silvia Țoiu
Chair of the Committee for
Youth & Sports
of the
Chamber of Deputies

Sandor Bende e1662986024196

Sandor Bende
Chair of the Committee for Industries and Services of the
Chamber of Deputies

Nelu Tataru e1661431087745

Nelu Tătaru
Chair of the Committee for Health and Family of
the Chamber of Deputies

laura vicol

Laura-Cătălina Vicol-Ciorbă
Chair of the
Committee for Legal Matters,
Discipline and Immunities

Dumitrita Gliga scaled

Dumitrița Gliga
Chair of the
Committee for Education
of the Chamber
of Deputies

Ioan sabin sarmas

Ioan -Sabin Sărmaș
Chair of the
Committee for Information
and Communications
of the Chamber of Deputies

Manea Catalin Zamfir

Cătălin Zamfir Manea
Vice-Chair of the
Committee for Human Rights,
Cults and National
Minorities Issues of the
Chamber of Deputies

alexandru rafila 1

Alexandru Rafila
MD, PhD.
Minister of Health
of Romania

FOTO BURDUJA 2 e1699256962113

Sebastian-Ioan Burduja
Minister of Energy
of Romania

daniel petrescu scaled e1647349441729

Daniel Petrescu
Chief of
Defense Staff

florin marian spataru

Florin Spataru
State Counsellor,
Chancellery of the
Prime Minister of Romania

Simona Mirela Miculescu

Simona-Mirela Miculescu
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Delegate
of Romania to UNESCO

hiroshi ueda e1666355980216

Hiroshi Ueda
the Ambassador of
Japan to Romania

alfredo durante mangoni e1649334360451

Alfredo Durante Mangoni
Ambassador of
Italy to Romania

RIM Kap soo

H. E.
RIM Kap-soo
Ambassador of the
Republic of Korea
to Romania

ihor Prokopchuck

H. E.
Ihor Prokopchuk
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary
of Ukraine to Romania

Reuven azar

H. E.
Reuven Azar
Ambassador of the
State of Israel
to Romania

Foto Ramona Chiriac HoR scaled e1682077428710

H. E.
Ramona Chiriac
Head of the
European Commission
in Romania

Anna Akhalkatsi Country Manager Romania and Hungary World Bank e1683789145723

Anna Akhalkatsi
Country Manager for
Romania and Hungary,
The World Bank

teodora elena preoteasa

Teodora Preoteasa
Secretary of State
Ministry of Investments
and European Projects

Lt. Gen. Eng.

Ionel-Sorin Bălan
Director of the
Special Telecommunications Service (STS)

viorel pana

Lt. Gen.
Viorel Pană
Chief of the
Romanian Air Force

Mihai Panait

Vice Adm.
Mihai Panait
Chief of Staff
of the Romanian
Naval Forces

cosmin dumitrescu e1652088177604

Cosmin Dumitrescu,
Consul General of
Romania in

tudorel andrei scaled e1660897522726

Tudorel Andrei,
President of the
National Institute of Statistics


mihaela pruna

Mihaela Prună
Managing Partner

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