With the support of
- 6 November, 2023
- 10:00 a.m.
Official Opening
Nicolae-Ionel CIUCĂ
of Romania Senate
Prime minister Nicolae-Ionel CIUCĂ
Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă was sworn in as the Prime-minister of Romania in December 2021, after serving as Minister of National Defence since November 2019.
He retired from the military career in October 2019.
As a career military, he served in various functions, as Chief of Defence Staff within the Romanian Armed Forces (January 2015 - October 2019), Commander of the 2nd Infantry Division (appointed in 2011), Commander of the Romanian Land Forces Staff (as of January 2014) and Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (as of October 2014).
He took part in different operations and missions, both national and international, such as: UNAVEM III Angola in 1996 as a staff officer, Enduring Freedom Afghanistan (2002-2003) and Antica Babilonia Iraq (2004) as Battalion Commander.
Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă graduated from Tudor Vladimirescu Military Highschool in 1985, and Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy in 1988.
During 1993–1995, he studied at the National Defence University in Bucharest, and in 2003 he earned a PhD in Military Science
His education and training prepared him for his career and his further assignments in various positions, starting from platoon leader to battalion and brigade commander in 2011.
Besides his education and training, he took part in many national and multinational (military) exercises, such as Blue Danube 2000, Dynamic Response Kosovo, ISAF 2003, and Eurasian Star 2010 in Turkey.
During his entire career, Prime Minister Ciucă attended various training courses, of which the most relevant are: Instructor for Peacekeeping operations (Turkey), Joint and multinational operations, Civil-Military Cooperation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (US War College, USA).
Mr. Ciucă was awarded the National Order for Merit in the rank of Officer, the National Order for Merit in the rank of Knight, the UN Medal for participating in UNAVEM III Mission, the National Order for Merit of the French Republic, in the rank of Commander, the US Medal of Merit, the Medal of Honour of the Special Operation Forces of the USA.
Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă was born on 7th February 1967, in Plenița, Dolj county, Romania. He is married and has a son.
Diana-Loreta Păun,
Assoc. Prof., MD,
Presidential Adviser -
Department of
Public Health
Dr. Diana Loreta Păun (born 1968) graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy. She holds a PhD in Medicine from the same university. She is an endocrinologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Endocrinology at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
She has been working at the "C. I. Parhon" National Institute of Endocrinology as a physician, researcher, professor and as manager between 2006-2015.
She holds a certificate in complementary studies in Healthcare Management and a master’s degree in "Management of Public Health and Medical Services". Also, she attended several training programs in management, quality auditor, trainer and expert in public procurement.
Dr. Diana Loreta Păun is a member of national professional associations (The Romanian Association of Clinical Endocrinology, The Romanian Society of Endocrinology) and of international professional associations (The German Society of Endocrinology, The European Society of Endocrinology (ESE). She is also a member of the Romanian Chapter of the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) and its president between 2011-2012 and 2017-2019.
She has published studies and scientific papers in nationally and internationally recognized journals, as well as works on health management.
She has been involved, as a manager or team member, in national and international research projects and in education and life-long learning programs.
Dr. Diana Loreta Păun was appointed State Adviser on 1 June 2015 and on 23 December 2019 she was appointed Presidential Adviser.
László Borbély
State Advisor, Coordinator of the
Department for Sustainable Development
László BORBÉLY - State Counselor, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development
László BORBÉLY is a politician who has significantly contributed to the democratic development of Romanian society, both as one of the most well-known leaders of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania and through the different high ranking functions held in the Romanian Parliament and the Romanian Government in the field of International Affairs, Environment and Sustainable Development, Regional Development and Infrastructure, which he has fulfilled with a rigorous professionalism yielding important results. An outstanding political performance underpinned with a solid – two-decade long – support for cultural life in the city of Tîrgu Mures, in an attempt to bring reconciliation to its multi-ethnic community.
◦ 2017 - present: State Counsellor of the Prime Minister of Romania on the topic of Sustainable Development
◦ 2014-2016 Vice president of the Steering Committee of the Romanian Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union
◦ 2015-2016 Vice president of the 12+ Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
◦ 2008-2009/ 2012-2016 Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament
◦ February – April 2012: Vice-president of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
◦ May 2011 – April 2012: Co-chair of the European Ministerial Board for Environment and Health
◦ November 2010 – April 2012: Member of the European Ministerial Board for Environment and Health
◦ May 2010 – May 2011: Chairman of CSD 19 (Commission of the United Nations on Sustainable Development)
◦ January 2010 - April 2012: Minister, Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests
◦ April 2007– December 2008: Minister, Romanian Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing
◦ December 2004 – April 2007: Minister-Delegate, Romanian Ministry of Transportation, Constructions and Tourism
◦ 1990-1996/ 2000-2016: Member of the Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies
◦ 1996–2000: State Secretary, Romanian Ministry of Public Works and Regional Planning.
• 2011: PhD title in economics awarded by the „Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca for the thesis „Regional development models in Romania and the European Union”
• 1983–1984: Post Graduate Studies – Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
• 1973–1977: Institute of Economic Sciences, University of Timișoara
Dragoș Pîslaru
Chair of the Committee
on Employment
and Social Affairs
European Parliament
Dragoș Pîslaru is a Romanian economist and former Labour and Social Affairs Minister in the 2016 government. He is a member of the European Parliament since 2019 on behalf of REPER, affiliated to the European political family Renew Europe and Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
He was the co-rapporteur of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the largest financial instrument created by the European Union for the economic recovery of the Union after the pandemic and pushed for the creation of the social and children & youth pillars of the RRF.
As Chair of the EMPL Committee, Mr Pîslaru has spearheaded efforts to address pressing social and employment challenges facing the European Union. His leadership has been instrumental in fostering dialogue among MEPs, policymakers, and stakeholders to develop policies that prioritize children and youth, skills development, job creation and social inclusion.
Dragoș has been a strong supporter of the Child Guarantee and he is leading the Working Group on monitoring the implementation of Children Guarantee of the Parliament, a new permanent entity of the European Parliament.
He has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to championing the interests of youth and working towards a brighter future for the next generation, influencing EU legislation and the European Year of Youth in 2022.
Dragoș holds an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD in Economics from the National Institute of Economic Research, within the Romanian Academy.
Mr Pîslaru has been named the second most influential MEP on social policies (EU Matrix, 2023) and the most influential MEP on economic policies (VoteWatch.eu, 2020).
Iuliu Winkler
of the Committee
on International Trade
European Parliament
Iuliu WINKLER is Member of the European Parliament. He is Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade (INTA) and Standing Rapporteur for China in INTA. He is Member of the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China, and Substitute Member for the Committee on Culture and Education, the Special Committee on Foreign Interference and the Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand. Iuliu Winkler is member of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania and an MEP of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.
He was Minister Delegate for Trade and Minister of Communications and Information Technology, having previously been Member of the Romanian Parliament, where he served as secretary of the Budget, Finance and Banking Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. He is an economist and engineer.
Janusz Wojciechowski
Commissioner for
Born in Rawa Mazowiecka, Poland, in 1954
Member of the European Commission since 1 December 2019, responsible for Agriculture, lawyer, attorney.
He has advanced legal studies: Master’s degree in law, graduated from the University of Łódź, Department of Law and Administration. He was Member of the European Court of Auditors, representing Poland, from May 2016 to November 2019. He was also a judge, President of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland, Vice-marshal of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Member of the European Parliament of 3 terms (2004-2016); Member of the European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals in the European Parliament since his 1st term in 2004; since 2014 - its President.
Author & co-author of the comments on the Polish Penal Code (5x); author of more than 100 articles and publications on criminal law in various legal magazines in Poland and author of articles on socio-legal issues.
Olivér Várhelyi
Commissioner for
Neighbourhood and
Olivér Várhelyi is the Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement in the European Commission.
Before joining the Commission, Mr. Várhelyi served as Hungary’s ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU from 2015 to 2019. He is a lawyer by profession, who began his career in the Ministry for Industry and Trade in 1995. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1996 where he held different positions with a special focus on the European Union. After being the Head of the Legal Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he went to Brussels where he became the Head of the Legal Services in the Permanent Representation of Hungary. Before becoming the Permanent Representative of Hungary, he was the Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU between 2011 and 2015.
Nicoleta Pauliuc
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Defence, Public
Order and
National Security
Anca Dana
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Cults and Minorities
Titus Corlățean
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Foreign Policy
Silvia-Monica Dinica
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Science, Innovation and Technology
Lóránt Antal
Chair of the
Senate Committee
for Energy, Energy
Infrastructure and
Mineral Resources
Roberta Alma Anastase
Delegation of the
Parliament of Romania to
the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Black Sea
Economic Cooperation
Rozália Ibolya Biró
Chair of the
Committee for Foreign
Policy if the
Chamber of Deputies
Oana-Silvia Țoiu
Chair of the Committee for
Youth & Sports
of the
Chamber of Deputies
Sandor Bende
Chair of the Committee for Industries and Services of the
Chamber of Deputies
Nelu Tătaru
Chair of the
Committee for
Health and Family of
the Chamber of
Doctor Nelu TĂTARU is a Romanian surgeon and politician, member of the National Liberal Party.
He was born in Vaslui, on 1972 September 30th and studied Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" in Iasi.
In the 2012-2016 legislature he was elected senator and in the 2020-2024 legislature he was elected deputy.
He held in the Cabinet of Ludovic ORBAN (2019 - 2020) the positions of Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Health.
Currently, Doctor Nelu TĂTARU is the Chairman of the Committee for Health and Family in the Chamber of Deputies.
2011: Doctor in Medical Sciences, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași;
2009: Specialization in digestive endoscopy, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi;
2007: National School of Public Health and Sanitary Management;
2006: General surgery, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iași;
2004 - Course "Management of Public Institutions", "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi;
1998 - Faculty of General Medicine, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iasi.
2009 - 2010: Manager, Huşi Municipal Hospital;
2007 - 2009: Medical Manager, Huşi Municipal Hospital;
2006 - 2012: Surgeon, Huşi Municipal Hospital;
2000 - 2006: Resident doctor, Iași Emergency Clinical Hospital;
1998 - 2000: Trainee doctor, Vaslui County Hospital;
1991 - 1992: Assistant, Vaslui County Hospital.
21.12.2020 - present: Deputy elected in the constituency no. 39 Vaslui;
26.03.2020 - 23.12.2020: Minister of Health;
11.12.2019 - 26.03.2020: Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health;
2017 - present: President of the PNL Vaslui organization;
19.12.2012 - 19.12.2016: Senator elected in the constituency no. 39 Vaslui;
2011 - 2012: President of the PNL Huși organization;
2012: Local councilor in the Huși Local Council.
Laura-Cătălina Vicol-Ciorbă
Chair of the
Committee for Legal Matters,
Discipline and Immunities
Dumitrița Gliga
Chair of the
Committee for Education
of the Chamber
of Deputies
Ioan -Sabin Sărmaș
Chair of the
Committee for Information
and Communications
of the Chamber of Deputies
Cătălin Zamfir Manea
Vice-Chair of the
Committee for Human Rights,
Cults and National
Minorities Issues of the
Chamber of Deputies
Alexandru Rafila
MD, PhD.
Minister of Health
of Romania
Sebastian-Ioan Burduja
Minister of Energy
of Romania
Daniel Petrescu
Chief of
Defense Staff
General Daniel PETRESCU
Gen. Daniel Petrescu was appointed Chief of Defence Staff in December 2019.
Between August 2017 and August 2019, he assumed the command of the Headquarters Multinational Division South-East, and from August to December 2019, he was Deputy Chief of Defence Staff.
His professional experience includes prior appointments at tactical, operational and strategic level within the Romanian Armed Forces, NATO Headquarters, and in different theatres of operations.
At the tactical level, he commanded the 2nd Infantry Battalion ”Călugareni” in Bucharest, between January 2004 and October 2008. He commanded 2nd Infantry Brigade ”Rovine” from August 2016 until August 2017, which has later became Multinational Brigade South-East.
At the operational level he was Chief of Staff of the Operational Command Centre (2010-2013), the ROU HQ in charge with directing all ROU Forces participation in NATO and coalition operations.
His experience at strategic level includes appointments in the ROU General Staff - Strategic Planning Directorate (Head, Force Planning Office for Missions Abroad, 2008-2010), and Operations Directorate (Head, Current Operations, 2010). From June 2013 to July 2016, he represented ROU CHOD as a National Liaison Representative to the HQ Supreme Allied Command Transformation, in Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
He was deployed with the 2nd Infantry Battalion in several NATO, UN and Coalition Operations, participating in all the theatres of operations where the Romanian Army has sent troops so far:
NATO stability operations: ISAF, Afghanistan (July 2006-January 2007), Battalion commander and national contingent commander; KFOR, Kosovo (October 2003), and SFOR, Bosnia and Herzegovina (October 2004), Battalion Commander, NATO Strategic Reserve Forces; ALBA Operation, Albania (May-July 1997), Battalion Liaison Officer;
Coalition operations: ANTICA BABILONIA, IRAQ (January-August 2005), Battalion Commander;
UN Peace Support Operations: MONUA, Angola (December 1998-July 1999), and UNAVEM III, Angola (August 1995-April 1996), Liaison Officer to the UN Force HQ.
Gen. Daniel Petrescu is a top class graduate of both the Romanian Military Institute for Infantry (class of 1992), and National Defence University (class of 2003), as well as a Distinguished Graduate of the US National War College/National Defence University, Washington DC, where he completed a Master of Science in National Security Strategy (2010-2011).
His military education includes a PhD in military science and information (2010, National Defence University, Bucharest). He is also a graduate of the UK Joint Services Command and Staff College (JSCSC, Advanced Command and Staff Course, 2007-2008). He completed the Master of Arts Program in National Security Studies at the Kings College London.
He also attended shorter courses in some prestigious European institutions such as the European Security and Defence College, Brussels, Belgium (ESDP Course on the EU strategic planning for missions and operations) and Furungsacademy der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, Germany (UNSOC - United Nations Staff Officers Course).
His awards include: the National Order "Credential Service in Knight Rank, with Military Sign”, the National Order "Credential Service in Officer Rank, with Military Sign”, the National Medal "For Merit, 2nd Grade”, the Romanian “Military Command Virtue, Commodore Rank with War Signs”, the “US Army Commendation” Medal, the “NATO non-article 5” Medal and the UN Medal - “In the Service of Peace”.
He was born on January 26th, 1971, in Pitești, Argeș County. He and his wife, Adina, have been married for over twenty years, and they have two children.
Florin Spataru
State Counsellor,
Chancellery of the
Prime Minister of Romania
Extraordinary and
Permanent Delegate
of Romania to
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO
Amb. Simona-Mirela Miculescu has been serving as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO since January 2021, after holding the position of Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office in Belgrade, between 2015 and 2020.
Prior to this, she was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations, between 2008 and 2015. During her term in New York, amb. Miculescu held several positions including: Vice-President of the UNICEF Executive Board, Vice-President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Vice-President of the Bureau of the Francophonie, Chair of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the General Assembly during its 66th Session, Vice-President of the UN General Assembly for its 68th Session, and Chair of the 53rd Session of the UN Commission for Social Development.
Amb. Miculescu’s 30 years of diplomatic career include the positions of Spokesperson for the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Senior Media Advisor to the Minister (1993 and 1999), Director of the Press Department within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1994 and 2008), Press Secretary of the Romanian Embassy in Washington D.C. (1994-1998), or Senior Public Information Officer at the Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Kosovo (1999-2000).
Between 2000 and 2004, she served as Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of Romania (with rank of minister), becoming eventually the first woman in the Romanian diplomatic history to be granted the rank of Ambassador.
Between 2006 and 2007, she acted as Senior Advisor for Public Outreach to the Government of Iraq, within a USAID-funded project.
Amb. Miculescu holds the titles of Doctor Honoris Causa Beneficiorum Publicorum of the Western University in Timișoara, as well as the title of Doctor Magna Cum Laudae of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. This is due to the fact that, in parallel with her diplomatic career, she has developed a rich academic and public communication experience, that includes teaching international public relations courses at two universities in Romania, as well as publishing several books and articles on related topics. In her country, she is recognized also as one of the best experts in the field of international public relations management, being appreciated especially due to the elaboration of the first university curriculum on this subject, a study program currently used by several universities.
Amb. Simona-Mirela Miculescu is married and has two adult children.
Hiroshi Ueda
the Ambassador of
Japan to Romania
H.E. Mr. Hiroshi UEDA, the Ambassador of Japan to Romania
Mr. Hiroshi UEDA assumed the duties of Ambassador of Japan to Romania on December 15, 2020. Ambassador Ueda comes to his current position after a long and diverse career as a public official and financial expert in Japan, having served as an advisor to SMBC Nikko Securities Inc., Director of the Personnel Policy Planning Office in the Cabinet Secretariat, and Deputy Governor of Osaka Prefecture, Japan’s second largest prefecture. His professional experience also includes Associate Expert in International Labour Organization, Geneva.
Ambassador Ueda graduated from the University of Tokyo with Bachelor of Law and obtained an MBA from the Graduate School of Finance, Waseda University. He is fluent in Japanese and English, speaks French, and is currently studying Romanian.
Durante Mangoni
Ambassador of
to Romania
Alfredo Durante Mangoni, born in Naples in 1965, in 1987 majored in Political Science (BA in International Politics) at the University of Naples Federico II summa cum laude, with a dissertation in EC Law on State aids and regional policy.
He joined the Italian foreign service in 1991. At the Ministry he was assigned to cover matters linked to multilateral development cooperation and European economic affairs. In 1995 he became first secretary at the Embassy in Moscow. From 1999 to 2002 he was consul general in Benghazi, the youngest among the Italian diplomatic network.
Back in Rome, he deals again with EU issues, notably as Head of Justice and Home Affairs Directorate. From 2006 to 2008 he is diplomatic advisor to the Labor and Welfare Minister. From 2008 to 2012 he is posted at the Embassy in Tokyo as Minister and Deputy Head of Mission. During this assignment he follows the integrated promotional exhibitions Italia in Giappone. In 2012 he authored a study on the Japanese Yakuza for the Italian review Gnosis.
Then at the Foreign Ministry he becomes Deputy Asia director.
From May 2013 to June 2016 he is diplomatic advisor to the Justice Minister. In this period, he nurtures a remarkable experience on international legal issues and on the nexus between justice and economy. He is appointed minister plenipotentiary.
Since June 2016 he is Coordinator for Anticorruption at the Italian Foreign Ministry, dealing with the main multilateral fora on anticorruption, integrity and compliance as part of the global agenda (UNCAC, OECD, GRECO CoE; G20 and G7). In this capacity, he chairs the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group. Besides, he develops an innovative National Coordination Mechanism on multilateral anticorruption policies which also fosters dialogue and cooperation with the civil society and the private sector. The Tavolo inter-istituzionale di Coordinamento anticorruzione has been acknowledged as a best practice in the UNCAC Second cycle review Report on Italy (2019).
One of his favourite projects is the Italian Business Integrity Days, launched in 2017 on the International Anticorruption Day, to allow major Italian companies to present their compliance programs abroad. He is also partnering with the civil society in the framework of the Milan-based Fondazione Premio Giorgio Ambrosoli, as well as with Transparency International Italia.
In 2019 he edited the book La diplomazia giuridica, with Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini, preface by Paola Severino.
Contributor to reviews on legal affairs and lecturer in these matters at Italian Universities, High School of the Judiciary, specialized Masters.
Since July 15, 2021 he is the Ambassador of Italy to Romania.
He has been awarded as Ufficiale OMRI (Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana).
Alumnus of the Consiglio Italia-Stati Uniti, Young Leaders’ Conference Ann Arbor Michigan (2005).
Married with Eleonora Mancini, they have two children.
H. E.
RIM Kap-soo
Ambassador of the
Republic of Korea
to Romania
H. E.
Ihor Prokopchuk
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary
of Ukraine to Romania
H. E.
Reuven Azar
Ambassador of the
State of Israel
to Romania
H. E.
Ramona Chiriac
Head of the
European Commission
in Romania
Anna Akhalkatsi
Country Manager for
Romania and Hungary,
The World Bank
Anna Akhalkatsi is the World Bank Country Manager for Romania and Hungary as of July 1, 2021. She
oversees the World Bank’s program and leads policy dialogue with government counterparts, private
sector, civil society and other relevant constituencies in the two countries.
A Georgian national, Ms. Akhalkatsi first joined the World Bank in 1999 as an economist in Tbilisi,
Georgia. She then became the country representative for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in
Georgia before moving to Washington D.C., where she worked on strategy, small business finance and
firm capability, value chains and agribusiness issues. Subsequently, Ms. Akhalkatsi acted as Regional
Lead for IFC’s Cross-Cutting Advisory Solutions in the region of Latin America and Caribbean. Prior to
taking up her new post in Romania she was the World Bank Country Manager for Moldova.
Teodora Preoteasa
Secretary of State
Ministry of Investments
and European Projects
Ionel-Sorin Bălan
Director of the
Service (STS)
Lt. Gen.
Viorel Pană
Chief of the
Romanian Air Force
Vice Adm.
Mihai Panait
Chief of Staff
of the Romanian
Naval Forces
Vice Admiral (UH)
Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Mihai PANAIT, a native of Titesti, Arges, was born on 27th of March 1968.
Commissioned in 1991 as a lieutenant junior grade, his first assignments onboard ships were as minesweeper operations department head and later on as executive officer.
At squadron and brigade level, he served as operations officer, followed by the same position at brigade level. Upon National Defence University graduation, he was appointed commanding officer of minelayer “IOAN MURGESCU” (271), chief of staff and deputy commanding officer of MCM squadron.
From 2009 to 2013 he commanded “REGELE FERDINAND” (221) frigate while being deployed in various NATO and EU operations such as Active Endeavour (2010), Unified Protector (2011) and Atalanta (2012).
Additionally, Rear Admiral (UH) PANAIT was a Romanian Task Group commander during its first activation in 2013 and also in 2014 and 2016.
As a staff officer, he performed duties as head of EOD and Force Protection operations office to Naval Operational Component Command and deputy chief of staff for training to Fleet Command.
His first assignment as flag officer was as chief of staff of the Fleet Command and subsequently, he was promoted on December 01st 2017 to the rank of Rear Admiral (LH). On August, 1st 2019 he was assigned as Fleet Commander and on 1st December promoted to Rear Admiral (UH).
On July 1st, 2020, he was appointed as the Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces.
From January 1st 2018 he was acting Deputy Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces for Operations and Training, being appointed from June 15th 2018.
On August 1st 2019 he was promoted as Fleet Commander.
A surface warfare officer by trade, he graduated from the “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Institute in 1991. His post graduation education includes Command Team Training Programme in Den Helder, NLD (2005), Naval Command College in Newport, Rhode Island, USA (2009), Joint Strategic Leadership Course in National Defence University “Carol I”, Bucharest (2014), Combined Force Maritime Component Commanders Flag Course in Naples, Italy (2017). He also graduated several career courses in Romania or abroad in the area of staff duties, units and brigade level command, security and good governance.
Rear Admiral (UH) PANAIT is a veteran of theatre of operations and has received during his career various national and international awards and titles, among them “Emblem of Honour” from General Staff (2007); “Maritime Virtue” Order – Captain and Knight (2011); “Participant in International Missions”, Operation Unified Protector (2011); the Officer of the year 2011 from Romanian Navy; the Officer of the year 2012 from Romanian General Staff; “Emblem of Honour” from Naval Forces (2012); “The Common Security and Defence Policy Service” E.U. medal (2012); “Emblem of Honour” from Air Forces (2018); “Emblem of Honour” from Land Forces (2019).
Consul General of
Romania in
Cosmin Dumitrescu is a career diplomat and the Consul General of Romania in Los Angeles. He has been appointed in the position since the end of March, 2017. The main priority of his mission as the senior diplomat of Romania on the West Coast of the United States of America is the consolidation of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States of America. A special focus of his activity as the Consul General of Romania is to enhance the level of bilateral cooperation in the framework of the economic and academic dimensions of the Strategic Partnership and to provide the consular assistance and protection to Romanian citizens. His consular territorial competence include the states of Utah, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington.
As a result of excellence in his diplomatic and consular activity Hon. Cosmin Dumitrescu was elected in 2019 Chairman of the Committee of the European Union Member States Consuls General in Los Angeles. Under his leadership, the Committee of the E.U. Consuls General in Los Angeles significantly enhanced the level of transatlantic cooperation not only in politics, economic and cultural fields in 2019, but also by finding the best solutions for saving lives and overcoming unparalleled difficulties in the first period of the COVID19 pandemic.
Cosmin Dumitrescu has been included in Marquis Who's Who in America in 2021 for excellence in international diplomacy, As in all Marquis Who's Who biographical volumes, Mr. Dumitrescu’s profile has been selected on the basis of current reference values such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in the field of diplomacy.
Hon. Cosmin Dumitrescu has also been honored recently by Marquis Who’s Who in America with the Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award for his valuable contribution to rescuing and providing relief to endangered people blocked on the cruise ships on the Pacific ocean during the first 5 months of the COVID10 pandemic.
Prior to heading the L.A. Romanian consular team as Consul General of Romania in Los Angeles, Dumitrescu served as Consul General and head of the consular office of Romania in Trieste – Italy (2012-2017), Consul General and head of the consular office of Romania in Castellon de la Plana – Spain (2011-2012), Head of the National Center of Diplomatic and Service Passports Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Romania (2010-2011), Head of the Consular Section of the Embassy of Romania in Rome – Italy (2004-2009), and diplomat in the Romanian M.F.A. – Bucharest (2003-2004).
Between 2009 and 2011 Consul General Cosmin Dumitrescu represented Romania in the E.U. workgroups for national experts of Council of E.U., VISA WP- Bruxelles, in the VISA Committee of the European Commission as a national expert - EU Visa Code implementation ruling and monitoring – Bruxelles, as associate professor for consular specialization to the consular, diplomatic and administrative members of M.F.A. personnel and at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, and was the representative of the Consular Department in the M.F.A. workgroup for monitoring and assistance of Romanian citizens victims of piracy.
Cosmin Dumitrescu is a law school and foreign languages and literatures graduate and holds a PhD in Management (Disaster and Emergency Situations Management) from the University of Craiova. He and his wife Mirela, who is a Romanian career diplomat as well, have two children, ages 14 and 17.
Tudorel Andrei,
President of the
National Institute of Statistics
Mihaela Prună
Managing Partner