With the support of
Under the Patronage of
- 9 November, 2023
- 2:30 p.m.
Mental Health
Fighting Stigma: Promoting Mental Health
- Romanian Senate, the meeting room of the Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security, with the support of the Senate Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security
Maria Coman
Journalist and Psychologist
Assoc. Prof.
Diana-Loreta Păun
Presidential Adviser
Department of
Valentin Veron Toma
MD, MA, PhD,
Head of the Department
of Social & Cultural
Anthropology - Institute
of Anthropology
„Francisc I. Rainer”
(Romanian Academy)
Doina Cozman
MD, PhD, psychiatrist,
psychotherapist and
clinical psychologist at
the University of Medicine
and Pharmacy
“Iuliu Hațieganu”
Andrian Țîbîrnă
MD, Manager of
”Dr. Alexandru Obregia”
Clinical Hospital
of Psychiatry
Gabriel Diaconu
psychiatry specialist
Honorary Counselor
at Ministry of Health
Alina Neagoe
senior clinical
psychologist, clinical
psychology supervisor,
specialist in the
psychology of defense,
national security and
Ioana R. Podina
Clinical Psychologist
and Psychotherapist ,
Mental Health Researcher &
Associate Professor at the
University of Bucharest
Dr. Podina is a licensed clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, certified nationally and by the Albert Ellis Institute, New York. Currently, she holds the position of Associate Professor at the University of Bucharest (UB) and leads the Cognitive Clinical Sciences Laboratory within the same institution.
In addition to her roles at UB, Dr. Podina is the chair of the esteemed research committee at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI). She also serves as the Country Coordinator for Romania in the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR).
Dr. Podina's prolific scientific contributions include over 30 articles indexed in Web of Science and numerous book chapters published by renowned international publishers such as Springer. Her role as Principal Investigator has led to the successful coordination of several research grants. One of her recent notable projects is the aiCARE project (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019 – 2140), a pioneering initiative committed to developing innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions to address mental health challenges in cancer survivors.
With a decade of experience in mental health, Dr. Podina brings a comprehensive understanding of the field from three perspectives: clinical practice, research, and education.
Dr. Psych. Drd.
Costin Dămășaru
Founder and CEO
Dr. Psych. Drd. Costin Dămășaru
Founder and CEO Veruvis
Costin pursued his studies at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, USA, as part of the Executive Education program - Neuroscience for Leadership. There, he collaborated with renowned researchers on a global level in the field of enhancing human brain performance using Brain Mapping and Brain Computer Interface technology.
He holds a Doctorate in Management, a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and a Master's degree in Business Administration. Currently, he is a Doctoral candidate in Physics at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Politehnica University in Bucharest and a Master's candidate in Applied Neuroscience at Universidad Isabel I in Burgos, Spain.
As a guest lecturer, he has delivered talks at:
• Vives University in Brugges, Belgium
• Kassel University in Kassel, Germany
• Sheffield City College
Costin is the founder and CEO of the Veruvis Center for Neural Performance Augmentation, a lifelong project deeply rooted in his healing journey and battle against a severe neurological condition: Tinnitus. His mission is to help people access the immense healing power of the brain and achieve their maximum potential.
Ioan Mirea
MD, PhD Student
Resident Psychiatrist
Dr. Ioan Mirea – Medic rezident în Psihiatrie la Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie „Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” din București. Doctorand în Filosofie Analitică în cadrul Școlii Doctorale de Filosofie, Universitatea din București. Ioan face parte din grupul Medical Humanities (Integrări Umaniste în Medicină) din România și a implementat o serie de ateliere și evenimente dedicate studenților la medicină, principalele sale preocupări fiind filosofia medicinei și a psihiatriei, cât și utilizarea teatrului și artelor dramatice în educația medicală. În ceea ce privește activitatea de psihoeducație, Ioan este Lector al Fundației Calea Victoriei unde susține cursuri de informare despre sănătatea mintală, punând accent pe elementele culturale, sociale și filosofice ale acesteia.