Public Administration
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Gabriel Toma
Founder of
Allan Rosenbaum
President of the
American Society for
Public Administration
Allan Rosenbaum is Distinguished University Professor of Public Policy and Administration and Director of the Institute for Public Management and Community Service and the Center for Democracy and Good Governance at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. He is currently the national President-elect of the 8,000 member American Society for Public Administration in Washington DC and will serve a two year term as its President from Spring 2021 to Spring 2023.
Rosenbaum came to FIU as Dean of the School of Public Affairs. Prior to that, he was on the faculties of the Universities of Maryland, Connecticut and Wisconsin and held a research position in the urban studies center at the University of Chicago. He has worked in senior level positions in national, state and local government in the United States and has carried out many international projects for the United Nations, the US Agency for International Development, the World Bank, the Swedish International Development Agency and various governments around the world. He is a past President of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration in Brussels, Belgium.
He has been Visiting Distinguished Professor at several universities in Europe and China, currently serves on numerous journal editorial boards and is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. Based on nomination by the Secretary General of the United Nations and approval by its Economic and Social Council, he was a member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration from 2014 to 2018. Before coming to FIU, Professor Rosenbaum was actively involved in research and consulting activities with national, state and local government in the United States in the areas of higher education, employment and training policy, economic development, elementary and secondary education, social welfare and science and technology policy. More recently, he has written on governance reform, decentralization issues and legislative relations in many countries around the world.
Vasile-Felix Cozma
President of the
National Agency of Civil Servants (NACS)
NACS President's biography
Vasile-Felix Cozma was appointed in January 2022 as President of the National Agency of Civil Servants with the rank of State Secretary. He previously held this position from March 2018 to December 2019.
Aged 41, he is originally from Sălaj and a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Sciences ( Vasile Goldiș University of Arad) the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Sciences and Communication Sciences and the Faculty of Political Sciences and Communication Sciences (University of Oradea). He is also a graduate of the Master's program in Evaluation of European Public Programmes and Policies and in Management of Social Services.
Vasile-Felix Cozma has a rich professional experience in public administration, working in: Romanian National Qualifications Authority, National Accreditation Centre, Bihor County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection, Bihor Commission for the Authorization of Vocational Training Providers, and Oradea City Hall.
Within these institutions and public authorities he has mainly held managementpositions and carried out specific activities: representation in relations with other organizations, coordination and monitoring of activities, staff management, etc.
As a political activity, from September 2020 to January 2022, from the position of county councillor, he was a member of the Commission for Social Protection of Bihor County Council. Felix Cozma is also vice-president of PSD Bihor and member of PES activists Romania.
Professionalisation of civil servants, digitalisation of public services offered by public institutions and simplification of working procedures are the objectives of his mandate as president of the National Agency of Civil Servants.
Vasile-Felix Cozma a fost numit în luna ianuarie a anului 2022 în funcția de președinte cu rang de secretar de stat al Agenției Naționale a Funcționarilor Publici. A mai ocupat această funcţie în perioada martie 2018 - decembrie 2019.
În vârstă de 41 de ani, este originar din Sălaj şi este absolvent al Facultăţii de Știinte Economice (Universitatea Vasile Goldiș din Arad), al Facultăţii de Istorie, Relații Internaționale, Științe Politice și Știintele Comunicării şi al Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Politice și Științele Comunicării (Universitatea din Oradea). Totodată, este absolvent al programelor de master în Evaluarea Programelor și Politicilor Publice Europene şi în Managementul serviciilor sociale.
Vasile-Felix Cozma are o bogată experienţă profesională în administraţia publică, desfăşurându-şi activitatea în cadrul: Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Calificări, al Centrului Național de Acreditare, Agenției Județeane pentru Plăți și Inspecție Socială Bihor, Comisiei de Autorizare a Furnizorilor de Formare Profesională Bihor, respectiv al Primăriei Oradea.
În cadrul acestor instituţii şi autorităţi publice a desfăşurat preponderent funcţii de conducere şi a derulat activităţi specifice: reprezentarea în relaţia cu alte organizaţii, coordonarea şi monitorizarea activităţii, managementul personalului etc.
Ca activitate politică, în perioada septembrie 2020 – ianuarie 2022, din poziţia de consilier judeţean, a fost membru în Comisia pentru Protecţie Socială din cadrul Consiliului judeţean Bihor. De asemenea, Felix Cozma este vicepreședinte PSD Bihor și membru în PES activists Romania.
Profesionalizarea funcţionarilor publici, digitalizarea serviciilor publice oferite de instituţiile publice şi simplificarea procedurilor de lucru sunt obiectivele mandatului de preşedinte in cadrul ANFP.
C.-L. Preda
Prof. Univ. Dr.
Constantin Marius
University of
Economic Studies
( ASE )
Dorel Fronea
Strategic Customs Adviser at European Union Advisery Mission in Ukraine
Valentin M.
Prefab SA
Alexandru Lazăr
Law Professor,
Honorary Consul of
Romania in the
Balearic Islands
Lawyer, Partner at IntLaw Abogados, with headquarters in Barcelona (Spain). Law professor at different institutions/universities. Honorary Consul of Romania in Balearic Islands.
Alexandru´s activity particularly focuses on Corporate Compliance, M&A, Corporate, Contractual and Commercial Law, but throughout the years I’ve specialized in the following practices:
• Advice in M&A operations
• Advice in operations developed in cross-country jurisdictions
• Joint ventures, disputes between shareholders, financial and corporate restructuration
• Advice in private equity operations
• Advice in relation to CSR
• Advice, design and implementation of Corporate Compliance programs;
• Advice in relation to E-Commerce
• Advice in Fashion Law and Sports Law
• Advice in pre-bankruptcy proceedings and acquisitions of productive units in bankruptcy process
• Advice in national and international contractual relations
• Advice in the process of internationalization of the Company
Due to his high connection to the business ecosystem of Central and Eastern Europe, Alexandru has been appointed immediately after his incorporation as Director of the Central East European Desk. Additionally, he is the Director of the Corporate Compliance Department and of the Desk on Balearic Islands.
• May 2010, 1st prize at the Fiscal Law category, at the second Edition of the International Law Prize ISDE-IABA (Inter-American Bar Association), being the youngest winner (25 at the time).
• June 2014, 1st prize for International Private Law category, at the sixth Edition of the ISDE Prize.
• January 2016, the ‘Mihai Eminescu’ excellency in Business Law prize, granted by Occidentul Romanesc magazine.
• October 2017, Premio del Jurado Asociación Española de Escuelas de Negocios.
• February 2018, Medalla de Oro al Mérito en el Trabajo, Asociación Española de Economía y Competitividad.
• May 2018, the excellency prize, granted by Occidentul Romanesc magazine.
• October 2018, included in Top 100 best Romanian professionals abroad all World Wide, granted by Repatriot.
• Published several articles in specialty magazines in Spain and Romania.
• Co-authored the Spanish Chapter of the International Law handbook ‘International Joint Ventures’ with Dennis Campbell (Director at Center for International Legal Studies, Austria).
• Also is the founder of the legal blog Legal Outside The Box:
• Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona ICAB- (Barcelona Bar Association) from 2009
• Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Islas Baleares (Balearic Islands Bar Association) from 2019
• Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Case Law and Law, as Associated Collaborator (Real Academia Academia de
Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Colaborador Asociado)
• Member of the Club Español de Arbitraje- Founder of the Romanian Chapter
• Associate Professor at the Law School of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona
• Collaborator Professor at the Law School of ESADE (starting in fall of 2021)
• Associate Professor at the ISDE Law School
• Academic Co-Director of the Course in Fashion Law and Design -Moda y Lujo: Derecho, Empresa y Marketing- by ISDE and IED (2019-2020)
• Academic Director of the LLM in Corporate Compliance by EIS (Economist Innovative School)
• Co-coordinator of the Course ”Regulatory Compliance and U.S. Law” (1st Ed. March 2018 and 2nd Ed. March 2019, and 3rd Ed. September 2020) at Fordham
University in collaboration with EIS
• Law studies at the University of Granada in Spain
• Master in International Business Law by I.S.D.E.
• Master in International Law, Foreign Commerce and International Relations by I.S.D.E.
• Master in Legal Research by E.S.A.D.E.
• PhDC in General Principles of Law, Economic Law and Business Law at ESADE Barcelona, ICADE and DEUSTO (in excedency at the moment).
Mihai Anghel
Mayor of
Cătălin Raiu,
Director INS
Member of the
Expert Panel for
Religious Freedom
FoRB Romania
Gabriel Toma
Founder of
of the
National Institute
of Administration
Claudiu-Emanuel Simion
Vice-president of the National Institute of Administration
- PhD student at the Management Doctoral School - Bucharest University of Economic Studies;
- Bachelor's Degree in Economics at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Business and Administration, specializations and professional trainings in management, public administration, economy and project management, in educational institutions and dedicated organizations from Romania and abroad (National School of Administration - France, University of Clermont Ferrand I Auvergne-I.U.P. - France, National Institute of Administration, National Defense College).
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Vladimir Iulian
National Institute of
Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Minister of Agriculture, December 2012- December 2016
Member of the Senate, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, November 2019- September 2021
Petre Daea
Minister of Agriculture, January 2017- November 2019
Nicolae Istudor,
Bucharest University
Economic Studies
Marian Cioceanu
President of Bio Romania Association
Gabriel Popescu
manager Center for Study and Research for AgroForestry Biodiversity at the Romanian Academy.
Gabriel Popescu, PhD in Economics, is a professor at the Academy of Economic Studies and manager Center for Study and Research for AgroForestry Biodiversity at the Romanian Academy. He has a prestigious academic career, being the coordinator of several international and national projects in areas such as agricultural economics, ecology, environmental management and sustainable development. Doctoral supervisor in economics, university professor Gabriel Popescu has published 27 books and specialized monographs, as well as almost one hundred scientific articles in journals listed in international databases.
Agrii Romania
Veronica Țaran
General Manager
National Agency for
Mountain Area
Bibiana Stanciulov
General Manager
Sonimpex Topoloveni
Horaţiu Oliviu
CEO& Founder Holiv Ecoplant
Buzgău Horațiu Oliviu - Economist, CEO & Founder of Holiv Ecoplant SRL, Business Consultant at Agrind Group
He graduated from Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Business Administration and, he currently coordinates the strategic component of a well known group of companies from North-West Romania, called Agrind Group. At the same time, he holds the position of CEO within the company Holiv Ecoplant SRL, a start-up that he founded in 2016.
His academic career has been extended to an international level, having been involved in numerous external partnerships with universities from Norway, Netherlands and Russia. In 2017, he was awarded with the ‘Title of Excellence’ by the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
He stands for sustainable agriculture, based on healthy principles, and he is putting in to practice the Farm-to-Fork concept. He is mainly focusing his activity on implementing environmentally friendly agricultural policies.
Alexandru C.
Marin Dumbravă
the Biodumbrava
Ecological Farm
Marin Dumbravă has graduated from the Military Technical Academy (with a major in Planes and Engines) and the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and with a master's degree in the Management of Defense Resources from the Faculty of Military Command ("Carol I" University of Defense). In 2006, he has initiated two admnistration programmes for NATO and, in 2008, he has retired with a Commander's degree.
As he wished to be active in his retirement years, he has started, in 2009, the Biodumbrava Ecological Farm, which is one of the first organic farms in the country, where he has been growing fruits and vegetables in an environment-friendly system. Basing its activity on the concept of "Health through food", the Biodumbrava Ecological Farm has played a pioneering role in Romanian organic agriculture, by promoting a large variety of Romanian vegetable cultivars, produced at the highest ecological standards. The vegetables grown in the farm are carefully examined for quality. From its very first beginnings, Biodumbrava has desired to cater to the needs of clients who wish for healthy food, by introducing, for the first time in our country, several ancient vegetable cultivars (with a history of over 2000 years). The products obtained in the farm are generally sold directly to the clients, but there have also been collaborations with several supermarket chains.
A valuable experience has been gained through the programmes "From the farm to the consumer" and "The short supply chain". From the very beginnig, the Biodumbrava Ecological Farm has taken part in several fairs and exhibitions, where it has promoted the introduction of historical cultivars in the local agriculture, by explaining their importance in regards to good health. During all this time, it has focused on the promotion of a healthy diet, by all available means: in media, through visits to the farm organized for groups of children, students and do on. Several groups of farmers from Romania and abroad have visited the farm, as part experience exchanges about the diversity and the importance in regards to good health of growing the ancient historical vegetable cultivars.
Cristian Tudor
General Manager
Ovidiu G.
Chief Financial
Grup Șerban
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Gabriel Micu,
Secretary General of
The Permanent
Secretariat of the
Organization of the
Black Sea Economic
Ambassador Lazar COMANESCU is a member of the Scientific Board of the New Strategy Center and of the Consultative Scientific Board of the Romanian European Institute. He served twice as minister foreign affairs of Romania (15 April-22 December 2008 respectively 17 November 2015-4 January 2017). From 15 February to 16 November 2015 he was foreign policy adviser of the President of Romania.
He also served as Romania’s Ambassador to: NATO (March 1998-May 2001), EU (May 2001-April 2008) and Germany (May 2009- February 2015). From December 1995 to March 1998 he was State Secretary in MFA and prior to that director, then director general for European affairs (December 1994-December 1995) in MFA and deputy head of the Mission of Romania to the European Communities (May 1990-November 1994). Since 1983 Ambassador Comanescu has a PhD in international economics with the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies where he was a lecturer professor from 1982 to 1990.
He is currently Secretary General of the BSEC PERMIS
Extraordinary and
Permanent Delegate
of Romania to
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO
Amb. Simona-Mirela Miculescu has been serving as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO since January 2021, after holding the position of Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office in Belgrade, between 2015 and 2020.
Prior to this, she was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations, between 2008 and 2015. During her term in New York, amb. Miculescu held several positions including: Vice-President of the UNICEF Executive Board, Vice-President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Vice-President of the Bureau of the Francophonie, Chair of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the General Assembly during its 66th Session, Vice-President of the UN General Assembly for its 68th Session, and Chair of the 53rd Session of the UN Commission for Social Development.
Amb. Miculescu’s 30 years of diplomatic career include the positions of Spokesperson for the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Senior Media Advisor to the Minister (1993 and 1999), Director of the Press Department within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1994 and 2008), Press Secretary of the Romanian Embassy in Washington D.C. (1994-1998), or Senior Public Information Officer at the Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Kosovo (1999-2000).
Between 2000 and 2004, she served as Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of Romania (with rank of minister), becoming eventually the first woman in the Romanian diplomatic history to be granted the rank of Ambassador.
Between 2006 and 2007, she acted as Senior Advisor for Public Outreach to the Government of Iraq, within a USAID-funded project.
Amb. Miculescu holds the titles of Doctor Honoris Causa Beneficiorum Publicorum of the Western University in Timișoara, as well as the title of Doctor Magna Cum Laudae of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. This is due to the fact that, in parallel with her diplomatic career, she has developed a rich academic and public communication experience, that includes teaching international public relations courses at two universities in Romania, as well as publishing several books and articles on related topics. In her country, she is recognized also as one of the best experts in the field of international public relations management, being appreciated especially due to the elaboration of the first university curriculum on this subject, a study program currently used by several universities.
Amb. Simona-Mirela Miculescu is married and has two adult children.
Sorin Ducaru
Director SatCen
( European Union Satellite Centre )
Minister of
Foreign Affairs
January 2017 to
July 2019
Mihnea Ioan Motoc
Principal Advisor
I.D.E.A. Department
A career diplomat, Ambassador Mihnea Motoc dealt mostly with multilateral organisations, serving successively as EU Director, Director General and State Secretary for multilateral affairs, as well as Romania’s Ambassador to the OPCW, UNO (New York) and the EU. He had two relatively short bilateral ambassadorial stints in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Between 2015-2017, he served as Minister of National Defence in the Dacian Ciolos technocratic government. He joined the European Commission in 2017, acting as Deputy Head of its in-house think tank European Political Strategy Centre, and currently as Principal Advisor at I.D.E.A. (Inspire, Debate, Engage and Accelerate the Action).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil.
Melania-Gabriela Ciot
Director of the Doctoral
School “European Paradigm”
University Babes-Bolyai
Consul General of
Romania in
Los Angeles
Cosmin Dumitrescu is a career diplomat and the Consul General of Romania in Los Angeles. He has been appointed in the position since the end of March, 2017. The main priority of his mission as the senior diplomat of Romania on the West Coast of the United States of America is the consolidation of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States of America. A special focus of his activity as the Consul General of Romania is to enhance the level of bilateral cooperation in the framework of the economic and academic dimensions of the Strategic Partnership and to provide the consular assistance and protection to Romanian citizens. His consular territorial competence include the states of Utah, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington.
As a result of excellence in his diplomatic and consular activity Hon. Cosmin Dumitrescu was elected in 2019 Chairman of the Committee of the European Union Member States Consuls General in Los Angeles. Under his leadership, the Committee of the E.U. Consuls General in Los Angeles significantly enhanced the level of transatlantic cooperation not only in politics, economic and cultural fields in 2019, but also by finding the best solutions for saving lives and overcoming unparalleled difficulties in the first period of the COVID19 pandemic.
Cosmin Dumitrescu has been included in Marquis Who's Who in America in 2021 for excellence in international diplomacy, As in all Marquis Who's Who biographical volumes, Mr. Dumitrescu’s profile has been selected on the basis of current reference values such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in the field of diplomacy.
Hon. Cosmin Dumitrescu has also been honored recently by Marquis Who’s Who in America with the Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award for his valuable contribution to rescuing and providing relief to endangered people blocked on the cruise ships on the Pacific ocean during the first 5 months of the COVID10 pandemic.
Prior to heading the L.A. Romanian consular team as Consul General of Romania in Los Angeles, Dumitrescu served as Consul General and head of the consular office of Romania in Trieste – Italy (2012-2017), Consul General and head of the consular office of Romania in Castellon de la Plana – Spain (2011-2012), Head of the National Center of Diplomatic and Service Passports Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Romania (2010-2011), Head of the Consular Section of the Embassy of Romania in Rome – Italy (2004-2009), and diplomat in the Romanian M.F.A. – Bucharest (2003-2004).
Between 2009 and 2011 Consul General Cosmin Dumitrescu represented Romania in the E.U. workgroups for national experts of Council of E.U., VISA WP- Bruxelles, in the VISA Committee of the European Commission as a national expert - EU Visa Code implementation ruling and monitoring – Bruxelles, as associate professor for consular specialization to the consular, diplomatic and administrative members of M.F.A. personnel and at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, and was the representative of the Consular Department in the M.F.A. workgroup for monitoring and assistance of Romanian citizens victims of piracy.
Cosmin Dumitrescu is a law school and foreign languages and literatures graduate and holds a PhD in Management (Disaster and Emergency Situations Management) from the University of Craiova. He and his wife Mirela, who is a Romanian career diplomat as well, have two children, ages 14 and 17.
Bodislav, PhD
Infinitum Group
Alexandru Bodislav is a world class expert in business intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), economic growth, corporate governance, multi-level governance, rare natural resources and strategy in the domain of energy and oil, while in the same time he is the CEO of Infinitum Group (company dedicated to accelerating technological advance and renewable energy) and founder of Bodislav & Associates (a boutique company dedicated to special tasks, like acquiring rare minerals, due diligence for M&A in strategic sectors and regulating, consulting and political lobbying).
Having an undergraduate degree, two masters, a PhD, a post-doctorate and executive courses accomplished in Europe and the US, the academic expertise is in corporate governance, business intelligence, AI, governmental development and regulating/deregulating energy markets. Alexandru is also an associate professor at the Department of Economics and Economic Policy from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, teaching Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Applied Macroeconomics, European Economics and Multi-level Governance and financing in the European system. During his academic career he published 9 books (one of them being sold in more than 50.000 copies worldwide), wrote more than 150 scientific papers and was speaker for more than 130 academic and business conferences on topics like business intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, economic growth, corporate governance, technological development and governmental performance, and also filling in the position of advisor for Harvard Business Review Advisory Council. For academic research in Economics, Alexandru, received the “Nicolas Georgescu Roegen” Award from the Romanian Academy on 3rd of December 2020, being one of the youngest recipients of this award since its establishment.
For more than 17 years he is active in the private sector, being part of some Executive Boards in companies from Fortune 500 or the European equivalent in the sector of natural resources in Canada, Italy, Russia, Guatemala and Botswana, in the energy sector in Switzerland, France, Greece and Israel, in the banking and the IT sectors in the US, Great Britain and Spain, in the defense sector in Australia and New Zeeland and in the industrial construction/critical infrastructure sector in Romania. One of the main acomplishments in the sector of natural resources was the fact that he was part of the team that sold the second biggest flawless diamond in history, the Lesedi La Rona diamond (translated from tswana: „Our light”), between Lucara Diamond Corporation and Graff Diamonds (a 53 million USD transaction, closed on 26th of September 2017). For the entrepreneurial spirit and versatility brought to business at European level, he received from Business Elite Awards the „40 under 40” Award at European level for the year 2020 and was nominated as CEO of the year for the year 2020 by The World CEO Rankings. He is an economic expert and consultant for many economic and business TV shows in Romania and the United States of America and also member of some international business and academic organizations, like the American Economic Association.
Valentin Preda
The Romanian
Business Exchange
Gabriel Micu,
Ovidiu Sincai
European School
Maria-Manuela Catrina has a background in mathematics, computer science, cybernetics, as well as training in security and international relations.
In the early 2000s, Ms Catrina had the first opportunity to join the high levels of government as advisor for the Romanian Prime Minister, after which she continued as parliamentary advisor for Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Speaker.
Ms Catrina has joined the executive branch as Secretary of State at the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Informational Society between 2017 and 2019. Here, she has dedicated her time to steering the complex preparations for Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Jan-Jun 2019). Her mandate includes broader aspects of international relations and European affairs, as well as more specialized areas, such as cybersecurity, AI and satellite communications. In addition to handling the numerous European legislative files stemming from EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe and representing Romania at the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, she also coordinated a number of high level national groups tasked with ensuring the security and resilience of Romania’s IT and telecommunications infrastructure.
Ms Catrina who was nominated among top 50 Women of Influence in Cyber-security in Europe is passionate about digital transformation and promoting women in technology.
Since 2013, Ms Catrina is the Director the Ovidiu Sincai European School, the Social Democratic Institute’s key leadership project, under the aegis of the Council of Europe.
Dorin Popescu
President and
Founder of the
Black Sea House
* Confirmed speakers that already provided a photo
Doina Bologa
East European
Institute for
Reproductive Health
Assoc. Prof.
Diana-Loreta Păun
Presidential Adviser -
Department of
Public Health
Dr. Diana Loreta Păun (born 1968) graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy. She holds a PhD in Medicine from the same university. She is an endocrinologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Endocrinology at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
She has been working at the "C. I. Parhon" National Institute of Endocrinology as a physician, researcher, professor and as manager between 2006-2015.
She holds a certificate in complementary studies in Healthcare Management and a master’s degree in "Management of Public Health and Medical Services". Also, she attended several training programs in management, quality auditor, trainer and expert in public procurement.
Dr. Diana Loreta Păun is a member of national professional associations (The Romanian Association of Clinical Endocrinology, The Romanian Society of Endocrinology) and of international professional associations (The German Society of Endocrinology, The European Society of Endocrinology (ESE). She is also a member of the Romanian Chapter of the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) and its president between 2011-2012 and 2017-2019.
She has published studies and scientific papers in nationally and internationally recognized journals, as well as works on health management.
She has been involved, as a manager or team member, in national and international research projects and in education and life-long learning programs.
Dr. Diana Loreta Păun was appointed State Adviser on 1 June 2015 and on 23 December 2019 she was appointed Presidential Adviser.
Tudorel Andrei
President of the
National Institute of
Tomáš Kučera,
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Science
Department of Demography and Geodemography
Aliona Cristei has 15 years of experience in the area of research and demography, education, programme management, and policy advocacy. She joined the United Nations Population Fund in 2018 in the capacity of Project Officer on Generations and Gender Programme. She has worked closely with policy makers, research organizations, academia and civil society on using GGS data for development of evidence-based and people centered policies. Prior to joining UNFPA, Ms. Aliona Cristei worked as a researcher at the
Institute for Public Policy, evaluating and monitoring public policy in the social field and drafting analytical reports. During 2007-2018 she worked as a lecturer at Moldova State University where she taught courses on migration, general sociology, as well as courses on research methods. She participated as national consultant on data analysis in several research projects coordinated by UNDP and UNICEF, World Bank etc. Aliona Cristei holds Bachelor and Master degree in Sociology and is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology Education Sciences, Sociology and Social Assistance, Moldova State University.
Aliona Cristei
Project Officer
"Generations and Gender Programme"
UNFPA Republic of Moldova
Aliona Cristei has 15 years of experience in the area of research and demography, education, programme management, and policy advocacy. She joined the United Nations Population Fund in 2018 in the capacity of Project Officer on Generations and Gender Programme. She has worked closely with policy makers, research organizations, academia and civil society on using GGS data for development of evidence-based and people centered policies. Prior to joining UNFPA, Ms. Aliona Cristei worked as a researcher at the
Institute for Public Policy, evaluating and monitoring public policy in the social field and drafting analytical reports. During 2007-2018 she worked as a lecturer at Moldova State University where she taught courses on migration, general sociology, as well as courses on research methods. She participated as national consultant on data analysis in several research projects coordinated by UNDP and UNICEF, World Bank etc. Aliona Cristei holds Bachelor and Master degree in Sociology and is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology Education Sciences, Sociology and Social Assistance, Moldova State University.
Mihai Horga
President of the
East European
Institute for
Reproductive Health
Dr Mihai Horga holds a PhD in obstetrics and gynecology and is specialized in family planning. He has extensive experience in sexual and reproductive health policy, strategy and program planning, development and management, monitoring and evaluation. He has a strong track record in executive leadership, capacity development and international cooperation in sexual and reproductive health. He worked as Director in the Ministry of Health of Romania, and as Assistant Representative in the UNFPA Office in Romania. He is currently President of the East European Institute for Reproductive Health, and Director of the Regional Health Development Center on Sexual and Reproductive Health in the South-Eastern Europe Health Network.
Andoria Ioniță
Directorate for
Studies, Projections
and Population
Doina Bologa
East European
Institute for
Reproductive Health
Marin Burcea,
Faculty of Business
and Administration
University of
Univ. Prof.
Claudiu Herțeliu,
Vice Dean of the
Faculty of Economic
and Informatics
Bucharest University
of Economic Studies
Managing Director
CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu, Managing Director, CFA Society Romania
Florentina Almajanu has over 25 years of experience in leading and representing financial professional associations, successfully coordinating public affairs, PR and advocacy campaigns.
Florentina leads as Managing Director CFA Society Romania, member society of CFA Institute, the global association offering the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, one of the most prestigious certifications among finance professionals.
Due to her perseverance and determination, Florentina actively contributes in growing and increasing the awareness of CFA Society Romania and its projects. In the last four years, the society has improved the communication and advocacy strategy, by revising the ongoing projects such as the Macroeconomic Confidence Index, new projects such as the financial education campaign "Generation I - The Financial Independent Generation" or "CFA Ambassadors", an university outreach program for Romania and Moldova.
"Generation I" will be an extensive financial education campaign that aims to create a sustainable impact in the Romanian society. Coordinating the flagship events of CFA Society Romania such as "CFA Forecast Dinner", "Future of Capital Markets in CEE" or "Women in Investment Management" represent one of Florentina's challenges. The regional events aim to improve the financial markets from CEE countries and not only. The prompt actions and mass media communication regarding the Romanian private pension system led to the award of the special prize "Supporting of the Private Pension System" granted by XPRIMM.
In over 20 years while she led the National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania (UNSAR), Florentina Almajanu had an important role in obtaining tax deductibility for private health insurance and several other major legislative changes in the field of insurance as well to increase the association's notoriety and credibility. Recognition also came from the fact that UNSAR won the Golden Award for Excellence at the Romanian PR Award 2016, Public Affairs category, Advocacy, Lobby with the Campaign "The Future of the Healthcare System Starts Now".
Graduate of the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Faculty of Power Engineering, Nuclear Energy Specialization with a Master's degree in Finance and Insurance at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, and a scholarship at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, specializing in the "Health and Pension Risk Management Fund" , Florentina has improved her communication, representation and public speaking skills through various courses at the National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "I. L. Caragiale ", trainings in public affairs and advocacy and training sessions organized by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art - RADA for Business.
László Borbély
State Advisor,
Coordinator of the
Department for
László BORBÉLY - State Counselor, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development
László BORBÉLY is a politician who has significantly contributed to the democratic development of Romanian society, both as one of the most well-known leaders of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania and through the different high ranking functions held in the Romanian Parliament and the Romanian Government in the field of International Affairs, Environment and Sustainable Development, Regional Development and Infrastructure, which he has fulfilled with a rigorous professionalism yielding important results. An outstanding political performance underpinned with a solid – two-decade long – support for cultural life in the city of Tîrgu Mures, in an attempt to bring reconciliation to its multi-ethnic community.
◦ 2017 - present: State Counsellor of the Prime Minister of Romania on the topic of Sustainable Development
◦ 2014-2016 Vice president of the Steering Committee of the Romanian Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union
◦ 2015-2016 Vice president of the 12+ Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
◦ 2008-2009/ 2012-2016 Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament
◦ February – April 2012: Vice-president of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
◦ May 2011 – April 2012: Co-chair of the European Ministerial Board for Environment and Health
◦ November 2010 – April 2012: Member of the European Ministerial Board for Environment and Health
◦ May 2010 – May 2011: Chairman of CSD 19 (Commission of the United Nations on Sustainable Development)
◦ January 2010 - April 2012: Minister, Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests
◦ April 2007– December 2008: Minister, Romanian Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing
◦ December 2004 – April 2007: Minister-Delegate, Romanian Ministry of Transportation, Constructions and Tourism
◦ 1990-1996/ 2000-2016: Member of the Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies
◦ 1996–2000: State Secretary, Romanian Ministry of Public Works and Regional Planning.
• 2011: PhD title in economics awarded by the „Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca for the thesis „Regional development models in Romania and the European Union”
• 1983–1984: Post Graduate Studies – Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
• 1973–1977: Institute of Economic Sciences, University of Timișoara